Char Grilled Lobster
Learn how to cook delicious char grilled lobster with fresh coconut cream sauce & our chef Otila gives you tips on how to know you've picked a nice fresh one!
1 cup of coconut oil
I bowl of Coconut grated
teaspoon sugar
teaspoon salt
Local organic tomatoes
Dip fried grapefruits
Cut the lobster in half.
Strain the coconut cream from the grated coconut into a bowl.
Pour cup of coconut oil into the BBQ then place the lobster onto it, Leave it for 2minutes on each sides.
Now for the sauce pour coconut cream into frying pan add a pinch of sugar and stir until it’s ready to serve.
Chop up organic tomatoes into a bowl add a pinch of salt and ¼ cup of coconut oil, now put it onto the BBQ and stir for a while.
Then serve On wooden board/plate, place lobster on dip fried Grapefruits then pour cooked coconut sauce on top of it.