This short film, Like A Mighty Wave, was created by Mikey Inouye, local boy and filmmaker who is a part of the immense talent that makes up our Mauna media team. The film captures the transformative impact that the sacrifice of our kūpuna on July 17th has had in Hawaiʻi - an impact that reverberates throughout the globe. Mahalo nui loa Mikey Inouye and the many members of the Mauna media team who helped capture this pivotal moment in history.
The film was spotlighted at the Hawaiʻi International Film Festival in November. Mikey is now making it available to the public as a fundraiser for HULI to help ensure that this movement remains strong at every level. The film is free and accessible to all but we ask that as you take in the emotion and beauty of the movement captured in this film, that you also make a donation through HULIʻs action network page here -
Aloha ʻāina and Kū Kiaʻi Mauna!