We're now into the 5th week since the World Health Organisation upgraded the Coronavirus to a Pandemic. We will be updating this page with Pacific Islands updates for our community here in New Zealand and around the Pacific. To catch up on updates from Week 1 click here , Week 2 click here , Week 3 click here & Week 4 click here
NEW ZEALAND - 8 new cases of Covid-19, two confirmed, six probable. New total is 1409. Two more people have died. One in Waikato hospital. And one woman in Burwood hospital. Total deaths in New Zealand is now 11. Seven of the 11 who have died are from the Rosewood rest home. 816 reported cases have recovered. That's an increase of 46.
14 people are in hospital with Covid-19, three are in ICU. Two of the ICU patients are in a critical condition - that's unchanged from yesterday.
"This is a long game - a marathon - not a short sprint." Grant Robertson is reminding New Zealanders that just because they announced the level 3 lockdown guidelines yesterday doesn't mean the public can start behaving like the country is in level 3.
64 individuals who identify as Pacific in New Zealand have had Covid-19. Up one from yesterday. There has been no change in the Marist cluster numbers for 2 days now.
Watch the full Ministry of Health Update here
- Grant Robertson says the NRL's plans to restart in late May seems 'ambitious'. He says there would need to be serious talks between NZ and Aus governments about whether the Warriors would be allowed into Australia and the quarantine conditions they'd need to go through.
- Covid-19 could be twice as deadly for Māori communities if the virus spreads in New Zealand - and the risk is even higher for older Māori and Pasifika, new research has found.
If case numbers got out of control and healthcare had to be rationed - as had happened in other countries - that would "almost certainly amplify existing racism in the healthcare system", the researchers wrote. The researchers said the rates they calculated showed restrictions should not be one-size-fits-all and that officials should work with local communities to protect at-risk groups. Full story here
- Although the virus was brought into the country by those in a financial position to travel internationally, the threat the pandemic poses is highest for our most vulnerable: those living on or below the poverty line. Virus & recession a devastating combination for Maori & Pasifika. Full story here
** Total of 791 cases confirmed in the Pacific & 16 deaths - 13 in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (2 deaths), 17 in Fiji, 55 in French Polynesia, 135 in Guam (5 deaths), 541 in Hawai'i (9 deaths), 18 in New Caledonia, 7 in Papua New Guinea & 5 in Rapa Nui **
15 nations & territories in the Pacific remain Coronavirus FREE
COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS - No change in confirmed cases. The Public School system has resumed its Grab & Go meal distribution for its students at many drop-off points in the CNMI. Source: Saipan Tribune
FIJI - No change in confirmed cases.
- Teachers are to report to school where possible from Monday 20 April 2020 to facilitate teaching materials for home-based educational activities. Where teachers cannot physically report to their schools, they can liaise with their Heads of School.
- Around 180,000 Fijians in the Suva confined have been screened by mobile teams and at fever clinics. Today, that total will likely surpass 230,000
FRENCH POLYNESIA - The number of screenings is increasing and out of 73 tests carried out yesterday no-one was found positive. it's the 3rd day with no new confirmed cases. A total of 1,051 people have been screened.
GUAM - No change in Coronavirus cases for Guam. None of the 12 people tested today, tested positive leaving Guam's overall total at 135.
- A 24 year-old Samoan sailor serving on board the US aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt has tested positive for Covid-19. Samoa Observer reports the aviation structural mechanic tested positive April 15, just two days after his roommate were diagnosed with the virus. The young man's mother said he has now been moved to a gym where all the other recovering sailors are being isolated along with two other Samoans who have also tested positive. Full story here
- Sweeping testing of the entire crew of the coronavirus-stricken U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt may have revealed a clue about the pandemic: The majority of the positive cases so far are among sailors who are asymptomatic, officials say. Full story here
HAWAI'I - Hawaii is reporting 11 new coronavirus cases Thursday, bringing the statewide total to 541. Of the total number of cases, 374 people have recovered and been released from isolation. No new deaths were reported today. Hawaii’s death toll from the virus stands at nine.
- Unions plead with governor to reconsider proposed pay cuts of up to 20% for state workers. The Teachers union are ‘terrified’ of negative impacts from deep pay cuts. Full story here
NEW CALEDONIA - New Caledonia will scale back the restrictions imposed over the Covid-19 outbreak on 24 March. After 12 days without any positive tests, the French High Commission and the New Caledonian government will allow for free movement and the opening of businesses from Monday. Full story here
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - No new cases reported in the last 24 hours.
TONGA - A notice of restrictions on COVID19 has been updated and there has been a renewal of the Tonga State of Emergency until the 15th of May.
The Tonga Border is to remain closed until 12 June 2020. Curfew is to remain from 9:00pm to 5:00am. Bars, Nightclubs, Clubs and Kava Tonga are to remain closed. Church to be observed on Sundays. Funeral gatherings limited to 20 indoors and 40 outdoors.
NEW ZEALAND - There are 15 new cases of Covid-19 in NZ and no further deaths reported. The PM has also outlined what life and business activity might look like under alert level 3 - “a progression, not a rush to normality.” Staying home if possible, social distancing and restricting contacts will still be key under level 3. “Fundamentally, the more distance, the better.”
The Prime Minister has reiterated that today’s update is simply an explanation of life under different alert levels, not an announcement of moving to level 3.
Below shows you what Level 3 will look like and then what Level 2 would look like once we move out of Level 3. A decision is expected to be made on Monday as to whether NZ will move to Alert Level 3. Watch the full Ministry of Health Update here
63 individuals who identify as Pacific in New Zealand have had Covid-19. Up one from yesterday. There has been no change in the Marist cluster numbers since yesterday.
Funerals will be able to go ahead but with no more than 10 people. The same number applies to weddings, but they can only be services.
** Total of 780 cases confirmed in the Pacific & 16 deaths - 13 in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (2 deaths), 17 in Fiji, 55 in French Polynesia, 135 in Guam (5 deaths), 530 in Hawai'i (9 deaths), 18 in New Caledonia, 7 in Papua New Guinea & 5 in Rapa Nui **
15 nations & territories in the Pacific remain Coronavirus FREE
COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS - No change from yesterday. The first few individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 in the CNMI have already recovered and been released from the Kanoa Resort quarantine site in Susupe. They are now back in their homes while being closely monitored under the Commonwealth Healthcare Corp.’s Text Illness Monitoring system. Source: Saipan Tribune
FIJI - Fiji's Prime Minister has this afternoon confirmed Fiji's 17th COVID-19 case. The new case is a 21-year-old man from Vanua Levu and a relative of Case 9.
- Their contact tracing stemming from this latest case has revealed the need for additional lockdowns on Vanua Levu. The Vunicagi Settlement between Nabowalu and Labasa will be locked down for the next 28 days. Fiji has also declared another state of natural disaster in response to the Coronavirus threat.
- Fiji's tourism sector has been devastated by the impact of Coronavirus with a staggering 279 hotels and resorts closed since the outbreak, which has seen more than 25,000 people lose their jobs. Read more here
FRENCH POLYNESIA - No new cases since yesterday, 43 people have been screened. None are positive for covid-19. Authorities have announced that a "mass screening" operation will take place soon thanks to the arrival of new tests. A hundred tests should be carried out every day. Objective: to have a clearer idea of the circulation of the coronavirus in Polynesia.
GUAM - No change in Coronavirus cases for Guam.
HAWAI'I - Hawaii is reporting 13 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, bringing the statewide total to 530. Of the total number of cases, 359 people have recovered and been released from isolation. No new deaths were reported today. Hawaii’s death toll from the virus stands at nine.
- An absence of tourists at Hanauma Bay could allow much needed healing experts are saying. Fish are starting to come out of hiding and coral reefs are getting a break from humans.
- Traditional public school graduations won't happen this year. Full story here

NEW CALEDONIA - None of the 92 tests performed today were positive. Caledonia still has 18 proven cases of Covid-19 in Caledonia. It is the twelfth day in a row with no new cases. New Caledonia has just passed the bar of 3000 screening tests carried out.
PALAU - Still Covid Free.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Five new cases of covid19 have been detected in PNG. Three people in Western Province, 1 in East New Britain and 1 in NCD. The Prime Minister says all the people are well and under quarantine and observation. This brings their total to 7.
- Papua New Guinea's prime minister has slammed the opposition leader for alleging that he and his political party sought to defraud the country of resources in its fight against Covid-19. More here
- The reason the Papua New Guinea Medical Research facility has only tested 350 samples todate is because sample collection throughout PNG has been slow due to the lack of appropriate sample collection kits. The recent procurement and distribution of collection kits by NDoH will see testing numbers increase very soon.
SAMOA - The inter-island ferry service between Savai’i and Upolu resumed on Wednesday morning after the Cabinet relaxed a number of state of emergency (S.O.E.) orders. A spokesperson for the Samoa Shipping Corporation at Matautu confirmed when questioned by Samoa Observer that it is business as usual for the ferry service. Full story here
TOKELAU - Have thanked the Samoa Government for its coronavirus (COVID-19) response, describing it as a shield of protection for the island nation and its people. Full story here
VANUATU - They have received equipment and supplies from China for Covid19 readiness.
- Vanuatu's sporting bodies have resumed training after the government relaxed restrictions imposed in response to Covid19. Full story here
- They've reopened schools in Port Vila today with strict Covid19 protocols in place. Students were thrilled to get back in the classroom and trainers and staff were also happy.
NEW ZEALAND - There have been 20 new cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand in the past 24 hours, with no further deaths reported. 728 people have now recovered. 13 people are in hospital, three are in ICU - two of them are in a critical condition.
There are 16 clusters of Covid-19 in New Zealand, one more than yesterday. The newest cluster is in an aged residential care facility in Auckland - St Margarets Resthome in Te Atatu.
62 individuals who identify as Pacific in New Zealand have had Covid-19, says PM Jacinda Ardern. The Marist cluster remains the highest with 92 confirmed cases. The Prime Minister said a good number of the Pasifika cases are part of the Marist cluster.
With the low Pacific numbers, Dr Ashley Bloomfield says they'd like to get a higher degree of confidence with the increased testing this week in South Auckland to make sure they're getting good rates of testing among the Pacific community there.
PM Jacinda Ardern has announced she will be taking a 20% pay cut for the next six months, alongside her Cabinet MPs. "This was always just going to be an acknowledgement of the hit that many New Zealanders will be taking at the moment."
Leader of the Opposition Simon Bridges has told PM Jacinda Ardern he will be also be taking a 20% pay cut.
Term 2 started today but more than 100,000 kids in NZ will be hit hard by distance learning. Those most vulnerable? Kids from low-income families, Maori, Pasifika, refugee communities, those where English is 2nd language in home and rural communities. Full story here
Watch the full Ministry of Health update here
** Total of 761 cases confirmed in the Pacific & 16 deaths - 13 in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (2 deaths), 16 in Fiji, 55 in French Polynesia, 135 in Guam (5 deaths), 517 in Hawai'i (9 deaths), 18 in New Caledonia, 2 in Papua New Guinea & 5 in Rapa Nui **
15 nations & territories in the Pacific remain Coronavirus FREE
COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS - Two new COVID-19 cases were confirmed yesterday, bringing the CNMI’s total confirmed case count to 13. Both new cases are male: a 55-year-old and a 61-year-old.
- Work is nearly done on the 50-bed field hospital that is being built at the upper level parking lot behind the Commonwealth Health Center in Garapan. The temporary hospital, donated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, will be used to handle COVID-19-related cases, should an outbreak happen in the CNMI. Source: Saipan Tribune
FIJI - There are currently 16 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Fiji. The Government will advise the public as soon as possible should this change.
- Fiji's government has welcomed moves by villagers to implement their own lockdown measures within their communities due to the Covid-19 threat. Full story here
FRENCH POLYNESIA - No new confirmed cases of covid-19 this Tuesday morning. In all, 935 people have been screened in Polynesia since the start of the crisis. 55 confirmed cases have been identified. The first case identified in Polynesia was the deputy Maina Sage. A case announced on March 11. Source: TNTV
- There has been a call in French Polynesia to revisit the ban on the sale of alcohol decreed in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Full story here
GUAM - One person tested positve for the COVID-19 virus, according to a release from the Joint Information Center. Guam's total number of cases is 135. Of those, five people have died and 66 have recovered.
HAWAI'I - Hawai'i is reporting 13 new cases of coronavirus Monday, bringing the statewide total to 517.
- Oahu: 358
- Maui County: 88
- Big Island: 41
- Kauai: 21
- Unknown: 3
- Diagnosed out of state: 6
- State total: 517

NEW CALEDONIA - 18 cases of Covid-19 patients have been confirmed since the start of the crisis. 14 of them are considered recovered. Yesterday, 99 tests were carried out and all of them were negative. It’s the tenth day in a row with no new cases. A patient is still being treated in the intensive care unit and 594 people are in quarantine in hotels.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Covid19 response committee has allowed for the Lae Market to reopen temporarily last week Tuesday, following the end of the 14-day lockdown. The Covid-19 preventive measures are also being use inside the market.
- The World Bank has committed $US20m to Papua New Guinea in health assistance for the country's Covid-19 response. Full story here
VANUATU - "The whole place looks as if it was bombed." Two people from Pentecost are reported to have died as a result of the cyclone. Four deaths in total have been linked to the cyclone in Vanuatu. How do you stay at home if your home is destroyed? Full story here
NEW ZEALAND - Four more people have died from Covid-19 in New Zealand, with three of the deaths linked to the Rosewood Rest Home cluster, the Health Ministry has confirmed. This brings the total deaths in New Zealand to Nine. Read more on the 4 cases and watch the Ministry of Health update here.
There are 17 new cases of Covid-19, made up of 8 confirmed cases and 9 probable cases. That brings the total number of cases to 1366. 15 people are in hospital, 3 are in ICU and one is in a critical condition. The total number of people recovered are 628 an increase of 82 since yesterday.
Ashley Bloomfield says he understands the private function cluster in Auckland was a stag party.
Of the 17 new cases, 8 of those were part of the Marist cluster & are still the largest cluster in New Zealand. Of the total number of cases, 61 of those confirmed with Covid19 are Pacific Islanders.
The Government has announced an extension for expiring licences, WoFs and vehicle registrations during the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 restrictions. If it expired on or after 1 January 2020, it will be valid for up to six months from 10 April 2020
Meet the K'Aute Pasifika "A team" of essential workers including aiga (family) from Ultrafast Fibre Ltd and Corrections NZ volunteers who delivered over 100 💯free food packages to families in Hamilton this week!! Grassroots community work in action!
Contact them if your family are in need of a food package and they will do an assessment over the phone M: 022 488 7816 E:
They will continue delivering next week and appreciate your patience.
** Total of 745 cases confirmed in the Pacific & 16 deaths - 11 in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (2 deaths), 16 in Fiji, 55 in French Polynesia, 134 in Guam (5 deaths), 504 in Hawai'i (9 deaths), 18 in New Caledonia, 2 in Papua New Guinea & 5 in Rapa Nui **
15 nations & territories in the Pacific remain Coronavirus FREE
COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS - For the past three weeks, the governor said, the CNMI government had been working to obtain Covid-19 testing kits.
Now that they have 20,000 testing kits on island from South Korea, their goal is to test everybody.
As of today, the CNMI had 11 confirmed Covid-19 cases, two deaths and 163 persons released from quarantine.
FIJI - Fiji's Health Minister has warned people that it is illegal to refuse Covid-19 testing if requested. Ifereimi Waqainabete's comments came after reports that six families in the greater Suva area had refused screening procedures, including having their temperatures taken. Full story here
- Australia has committed $15.4m to Fiji’s COVID-19 response effort. Full story here
FRENCH POLYNESIA - To date, there are 2 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in French Polynesia. The total number of confirmed cases therefore rises to 55. Thirty-one more people have been screened since yesterday. There is still only one hospitalization in progress and no deaths to report.
GUAM - One person was clinically diagnosed with COVID-19 on Guam Monday, according to a release from the Joint Information Center. Guam's total number of cases is 134.
- Guam locals worry as sailors from virus-hit ship take over hotels. Full story here
- A sailor who was serving aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier has become the first on the ship to die from Covid-19, the US Navy announced. Full story here
HAWAI'I - Hawaii is reporting five new cases of coronavirus Monday, bringing the statewide total to 504.
- Oahu: 352
- Maui County: 86
- Big Island: 39 (5 new)
- Kauai: 21
- Unknown: 40
- Diagnosed out of state: 2
- State total: 504
NEW CALEDONIA - A suburb of New Caledonia's capital Noumea has extended its nightly curfew for another week as part of measures to curb the spread of Covid-19.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Nearly 500 PNG citizens remain stranded overseas because of coronavirus shutdowns & are desperate to return home. PNG is seeking the assistance of the Australian government in getting them back. Full story here
SAMOA - Restaurants and buses will resume operating at half capacity and limited travel to Savai'i will begin again under relaxations to state of emergency measures announced on Tuesday night. Amended State of Emergency rules here
TONGA - The biggest issues confronting disaster officials in Tonga following last week's battering from Cyclone Harold are the state of wharves in 'Eua and Ha'apai and some of the coastal roads on both 'Eua and Tongatapu. Full story here
VANUATU - Vanuatu’s Tropical Cyclone Harold response is running nearly a week behind the 2015 Cyclone Pam response. The damage in many areas is far worse this time. Now, #COVID19 fears are exacerbating an already worrying situation. Full story here
NEW ZEALAND - There are 19 new cases of Covid-19, 15 confirmed and 4 probable. This brings the total number of cases to 1349. 546 people have recovered. That's an increase on 75 from yesterday.
A fifth person has died - a man in his 80s from the Rosewoond Rest home cluster died at Burwood Hospital.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she will set out what levels 2 and 3 will look like later this week on Thursday. It will include information for business, transport and recreation. "If and when we move to Alert Level 3 there will still be significant restrictions" she says.
Speaking in a live Q+A, Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield confirmed the Health Ministry is "actively looking" at the rules around people visiting dying family members. Click here to watch the Q&A with him.
Of the total number of cases, 59 of those confirmed with Covid19 are Pacific Islanders.
** Total of 737 cases confirmed in the Pacific & 16 deaths - 11 in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (2 deaths), 16 in Fiji, 53 in French Polynesia, 133 in Guam (5 deaths), 499 in Hawai'i (9 deaths), 18 in New Caledonia, 2 in Papua New Guinea & 5 in Rapa Nui **
15 nations & territories in the Pacific remain Coronavirus FREE
COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS - As of today there are 11 confirmed Covid-19 cases in the CNMI; two deaths; and 113 persons released from quarantine. Kanoa Resort is currently being used as a quarantine 'Outpatients' facility. Full story and update here
COOK ISLANDS - Of 313 swabs sent to New Zealand last Friday, 300 came back negative yesterday; the other tests are still pending. Meanwhile Rehab Nightclub has started “Rehab on Lockdown – LIVE on Facebook” initiative featuring resident DJs. Full story here
FIJI - Fiji still has 16 confirmed COVID-19 cases as of this morning and three previous COVID-19 cases still test positive upon repeat test last night. It has now been 4 days since there was a new case reported in Fiji.
- The National Disaster Management Office says there are 66 active evacuation centres and 1837 evacuees in the three divisions. Distribution of food rations for families in evacuation centres have started today.
- Fiji's government has declared a State of Natural Disaster in areas affected by last week's Cyclone Harold. Full story here
FRENCH POLYNESIA - To date, there are 2 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in French Polynesia. The total number of confirmed cases therefore rises to 53. Fifteen more people have been screened since yesterday. There is still only one hospitalization in progress and no deaths to report.
GUAM - Guam has 133 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and five COVID-19 related deaths as of Monday morning. Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero announced in a Monday Facebook video that the total number of people recovered from COVID-19 is 58 as of this morning. Leon Guerrero said the recovery rate is about 44 percent. "More people are recovering from the infection than the rate of new confirmed infections, which is good," the governor said. Full update here
- There have been close to 600 sailors aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt who have tested positive for COVID-19, the Department of Defense reported. There have been 585 positive test results and 3,724 negative test results. The Navy also reported that 3,967 sailors have moved ashore. A sailor who broke protocol where he was quarantined has been taken back to the Naval Base Guam where an investigation is taking place.
HAWAI'I - There were just 13 new cases of coronavirus reported across Hawaii on Easter Sunday, bringing the state’s total to 499. There was also another death reported yesterday, bringing the total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to nine. Officials said that five of the nine new cases on the island were linked to the Maui hospital cluster.
- Oahu: 350 (2 new)
- Maui County: 84 (6 new) (2 on Molokai, 0 new)
- Big Island: 39 (5 new)
- Kauai: 21 (2 new)
- Unknown: 3
- Diagnosed out of state: 2
- State total: 499

NEW CALEDONIA - Another day without a case of coronavirus. The twelve screening tests carried out this Sunday did not reveal anyone carrying the Covid-19. New Caledonia therefore still has 18 cases of Covid-19 since mid-March. Source: Inc.NC
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Locals checking on and assisting their fellow villagers under lockdown. Community support network on display.
PALAU - There are no confirmed cases, so traditional Easter mass celebrations continued as normal despite advice from the government to avoid large gatherings. Source BBC
SAMOA - There are NO CONFIRMED CASES of COVID-19 in Samoa. Results for the 12 outstanding tests sent to New Zealand, came back NEGATIVE. Source - Samoa Govt.
- The Covid-19 stimulus package passed by Samoa's Parliament last week may have come too late for some hotels and their workers. The Samoa Hotel Association said more than 50 hotels had temporarily closed their doors since the global Covid-19 pandemic started and over 500 workers have lost their jobs.
SOLOMON ISLANDS - No confirmed cases yet, 2 samples await results. 4 now in quarantined and the last 15 who were confined were released last week. A State of Emergency has been declared for 4 months. Honiara is an emergency zone & travel between PNG & SI sea border is banned - trial Curfew ends this 5am.
- Tonga Border remains closed. Lockdown during the day has been lifted. Curfew continues from 8pm to 6 am. Social gatherings and events still banned including Bars and Clubs. A State of Emergency has been declared until the 6th May unless terminated earlier.
VANUATU - Almost a week after Tropical Harold first hit, a devastating picture is emerging. Dozens of people have died; homes have been flattened and crops destroyed, water and electricity remain cut in several areas. Listen to the latest from ABC Australia journalists Natalie Whiting and Jordan Fennell.
A C-130 Hercules aircraft had taken a helicopter and supplies after the cyclone swept through the central islands of Vanuatu. The plane also brought 39 New Zealanders back home.