ALERT LEVEL 3 - The Breakdown

Tonight at 11.59pm New Zealand will move to Alert Level 3 and while some people have been describing it on social media as Level 4 but with KFC - we break down some of the main changes for you below.
BUBBLES - You can open up your bubble slightly 'to reconnect with close family/whanau or bring in care givers OR support isolated people"
YES to a relative or loved one who lives locally and is alone OR you are returning to work and need childcare or care for those already in your bubble - someone can join to help.
NO to inviting your extended aiga over for to'ona'i, a reunion, celebrate a birthday, have garage drinks or a kava sesh etc ...
Small bubble extensions for one or two people if necessary.
- No public gatherings including church services inside or outside (like at the beach)
- No Housie, Kava Sessions, Bingo nights, fundraising socials
- Tangi/Maliu/Funerals or wedding ceremonies limited to up to 10 people only and receptions are a NO. Anyone who attends must keep 2 metres apart and you should keep a list of who attends and wash hands regularly.
- No hooking up with bae including tinder hook ups. Use the Level 3 time to get to know each other via Zoom or Factime first instead.
- Take safety precautions and be mindful of your health when ordering takeaways or heading out to line up for Drive Thru Takeaways.
- Keep it local: go to your local beach, your local mountain, your local walking trail. Don't drive outside your neighbourhood/suburb to visit other beaches, mountains, walking trails.
- You can fish from a wharf or the shore but no to going out on a boat.
- Stay 3 metres apart when outdoors at all times
Do things that are local, safe and don't involve mixing with other people or other peoples equipment.
- At level 3, parents and caregivers should, where they can, keep their children at home! So, if you're at home then your kids should be too.
- Schools open on Wednesday April 29 for students up to Year 10 – though some may be later. So do early childhood centres.
- They’re still finalising plans, but students will be physically isolated, as will teachers. Much will depend on how many students are attending. Check with your local school; the latest Ministry of Health information is here.
For a full breakdown of what you can and can't do in Level 3 lockdown click here
** If you have symptoms of the coronavirus, call the NZ Covid-19 Healthline on 0800 358 5453 (+64 9 358 5453 for international SIMs) or call your GP - don't show up at a medical centre **