Story collated and written by Haitelenisia Afemui ‘Uhila Angilau for her 'Ordinary Tongan Lives' facebook page
“It’s just me and my little sister. I’m older. We were left with our grandparents after birth because our parents separated. They weren’t married so we were born out of wedlock. I attended GPS Longolongo then passed my class 6 exam to Tonga High. There, I joined sports from form 1 to 4 but I wasn’t really good at it. I was into my friends too much that I failed in form 4. I had another chance to repeat but I moved to Queen Sālote College. Early when form 5 started, I got kicked out of school. Then I moved to Tailulu. I think I devalued myself thinking I didn’t have what other kids have. Instead of using my background as motivation, it became an excuse to put myself down.
There’s this one time we went to play soccer and our team lost. Some of the spectators called me to come out as I didn’t score anything. I remember sitting by myself after that and really thinking of home and my future. I was hard out crying. I didn’t have my parents to fall back on. School wasn’t going so good. I was terrible at what I liked doing. What was I to do now? It was then that I prayed earnestly. I asked God to help me find just one thing I can hold on to and build a life of my own.
I had practiced doing makeup on myself, took pictures, and posted online. I was so attached to it that I thought, this is it. Even when I was beaten at home or my makeup bag got thrown out, I still bought more makeup and did it for people. My cousin Sila encouraged me and many families helped. Soon I had money to help at home and clients kept coming. I studied and did makeup on the side.
I don’t know how but I passed my form 5 & 6 exams at Tailulu and form 7 at QSC. Makeup has now become a business where I can be my own boss. I hope to do further studies in business and still do makeup. I still haven’t met my father but I want to tell every kid out there who can relate to me not to underestimate their worth. There must be something out there you’re good at. In life, you’ll be good at some and bad at others but you can do something.
Jeremiah 29:11 is a scripture I believe. God has better plans for our lives. It might come now or it might come in the future but keep trying. It’ll come.” - Nuku’alofa, Tonga