Over 5000 COVID-19 Support Packages received by families across NZ

A total of 5166 Covid-19 Support Packageshave been delivered to vulnerable families across New Zealand, providing support to 27,829 individuals. Eighty-two percent of families who received support packages reside in the North Island.
South Auckland based health care provider, Pacific Homecare– a Pasifika Futures and Whānau Ora COVID-19 Support Package Partner – has delivered support packages to over 400 families since the nation went into lockdown.
Whānau OraManager at Pacific Homecare, Rauna Murray-Stowers said himself and his team of eight navigators have received over 700 requests from families in need of a COVID 19 support package.
“For the first couple of weeks wegave grocery vouchers and Covid-19 health information to families, as we haven’t been able to get all the physical supplies we needed. There’s been a lot of demand and not enough supply in the supermarkets. We got grocery supplies this week so we can start assembling packages and delivering these to families next week.
“Our packages include cereal, canned foods, hygiene products, toilet paper, noodles, corn beef...mainly staple foods and essentials. We are also including a $50 grocery voucher with each package so families can buy fresh produce and meat without it expiring in the support packages.”
Murray-Stowers admits the demand for support packages has been extensive.
“I just want to reassure families that there are other provider’s out there too, that are willing to help. It doesn’t have to be Pacific organisation it can be mainstream too.
“We received calls from 461 families this week alone, who requested a support package. So there’s big demand. We’ve had to tell the families, not to worry, we’re going to support you, we just need time and we are doing our best to meet their needs as soon as we can.”