Coco News

Pacific Businesses to support in Lockdown

Amidst the current level4 lockdown in New Zealand, Pacific businesses are still hustling to survive. Small businesses have felt the brunt of the Pandemic and they are even more disadvantaged during lockdown. Although this hasn't deterred Pacific businesses owners who continue to stay resilient.

Here are ways you can use that coffee money you've been saving to support small Pasifika businesses.

1. Order from the businesses that are open.

A handful of Pacific businesses can operate during Alert Level 4 and are ready to meet your lockdown needs.

Currently, Sweet & Me are operating safely under alert level 4 and offering delivery services to those who want to order an island styled treat during lockdown.…more

Coco News

Pacific Businesses to support in Lockdown

Amidst the current level4 lockdown in New Zealand, Pacific businesses are still hustling to survive. Small businesses have felt the brunt of the Pandemic and they are even more disadvantaged during lockdown. Although this hasn't deterred Pacific businesses owners who continue to stay resilient.

Here are ways you can use that coffee money you've been saving to support small Pasifika businesses.

1. Order from the businesses that are open.

A handful of Pacific businesses can operate during Alert Level 4 and are ready to meet your lockdown needs.

Currently, Sweet & Me are operating safely under alert level 4 and offering delivery services to those who want to order an island styled treat during lockdown.…more

Coco News

Etu Pasifika Vaccination Clinic responding to increased demand from Pacific community

Via Pasifika Medical Association Group 

Etu Pasifika the largest Pacific health provider in Christchurch re-opened their Covid-19 vaccination centre last week and are experiencing a surge in bookings for the vaccine from Pacific families.  

Clinical Director for Etu Pasifika, Dr Monica Nua-George says the change in alert levels has seen more Pacific people calling their clinic to book their vaccination for themselves and their families.  

“We’re looking at a lot more people than our previous weeks and we have  processes in place to manage the increased load while maintaining the Alert Level 4 restrictions.…more

Coco News

Financial Support Available During the August 2021 Lockdown

There are various COVID-19 financial support schemes available to those impacted by the recent New Zealand Lockdown, depending on your situation.

Overview of support available at different alert levels 

Resurgence Support Payment

Resurgence Support Payment applications will open nationally from 8am on Tuesday 24 August 2021. Applications will remain open for one month after a nationwide return to Alert Level 1.

Businesses and organisations will be eligible if they experience a 30% drop in revenue over a seven day period after an alert level increase and meet other eligibility criteria. This drop is compared to a typical seven-day period in the six weeks before the increase in alert level. Seasonal businesses should show a 30% revenue drop compared with a similar week the previous year.

The decline in revenue must be a result of the specific alert level change, not just COVID-19 in general. You must have been in business for at least six months to be eligible. Charities, not-for-profit organisations, the self-employed and pre-revenue businesses, such as start-ups may also be eligible.…more

Coco News

Pasifika Futures activate immediate Lockdown support for Pacific Families

As we continue to live in this “New Norm” and adjust our lives to different Alert  Levels, the Pasifika Medical Association (PMA) through Pasifika Futures (PFL) – the Whānau Ora agency for Pacific families – remains resolute and active in its  support of Pacific families. 

Pasifika Futures Director of Partnerships, Mr Craig Sionetuato advises that  immediate support is available to Pacific families who need assistance during  this current Alert Level 4 lockdown. 

 “We’ve increased investment with our Whānau Ora partners as they have  strong relationships with their various communities,” he says. 

PFL partners providing immediate support for Pacific families include; The Fono,  Tongan Health Society Inc, Mt Wellington Integrated Health Care, The Village  Community Service Trust, Taeaomanino Trust, K’aute Pasifika and Etu Pasifika. 

Details of PFL partners are outlined above and support offered will include food,  utility support and those affected by a loss of income. 

“If you’re a Pacific individual or family and you’re needing urgent food or utility  support, please reach out to one of our identified partners as the process for  receiving assistance is fast and efficient.…more

Coco News

Covid-19 Delta variant is “Much more infectious” so we must be vigilant says Pacific doctor

With the announcement of a snap lockdown at Alert Level 4 by Prime Minister  Jacinda Ardern, people should feel reassured that the government is making the  right decision, says Dr Collin Tukuitonga.  

The sudden announcement comes after a positive Covid-19 Delta community  case in Auckland. The 58-year-old man who tested positive is from Devonport  but travelled to the Coromandel last weekend while unaware. The government  has made the decision for all of New Zealand to move to Alert Level 4 for three  days, while the period for Auckland and the Coromandel is seven days.  

Officials have confirmed five positive Covid-19 Delta cases to date and are  working quickly to trace any and every possible lead. 

Pasifika Medical Association (PMA) member Dr Tukuitonga stresses that the  severity of the Delta variant should not be taken lightly as it is the most  transmissible variant of Covid-19. 

“It’s much more infectious. One case of delta could infect up to 9 people and  then those 9 would infect another 9.…more

Coco News

Rarotonga leaps into Covid testing action with the influx of Kiwis on the island

Over 3000 kiwis visitors are currently in Rarotonga, where the Cook Islands have gone into Alert Level 2. 

The government made a swift public announcement following New Zealand’s Level 4 decision last night, rolled out Level 2 measures and a fast and effective Covid testing regime around the island this morning. 

All passengers that were in flights from Aug 11th are being asked to isolate in their accommodation and get Covid tested at the many stations set up overnight around the island. This process included an efficient drive through service with well trained local staff at the ready. 

With the current barometer for Island Covid 19 being Fiji, the fear of the virus hitting the smaller Island of Rarotonga is uppermost on the minds of health workers and some locals: 

“We are worried but all we can do is the best we can in the current situation, we have had two years of practice and we have put it into action. We have a system in place and are confident and we know what to do.…more

Coco News


Story collated and written by Haitelenisia Afemui ‘Uhila Angilau for her 'Ordinary Tongan Lives' facebook page

“It’s just me and my little sister. I’m older. We were left with our grandparents after birth because our parents separated. They weren’t married so we were born out of wedlock. I attended GPS Longolongo then passed my class 6 exam to Tonga High. There, I joined sports from form 1 to 4 but I wasn’t really good at it. I was into my friends too much that I failed in form 4. I had another chance to repeat but I moved to Queen Sālote College. Early when form 5 started, I got kicked out of school. Then I moved to Tailulu. I think I devalued myself thinking I didn’t have what other kids have. Instead of using my background as motivation, it became an excuse to put myself down.

There’s this one time we went to play soccer and our team lost. Some of the spectators called me to come out as I didn’t score anything.…more

Coco News

The Women of the Polynesian Panthers

“A true activist does what they do because of their profound love for their people” 

For the Pasifika women who spoke out despite all their life challenges in the Dawn Raids era - this was the mantra.

If you google image search the Polynesian Panthers the first rows of images to pop up are all images of men. You’ll be lucky to find an image of a female panther in those first few scrolls, but what is seen in the images is not always depictive of reality. Women played a vital role in the Polynesian Panther Party and laid a foundation to which their male counterparts were able to stand on.

One of the pivotal female Panthers who dedicated her life to social justice and collective liberation was Dr. Melani Anae. In fact, to this day Dr. Melani continues to work as a Polynesian Panther and has famously said the phrase “once a Panther always a Panther”. Dr.…more

Coco News

Royal Commission of Inquiry into abuse of Pacific People in State care - Closing Ceremony

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care has been holding its first ever Pacific Investigation hearing into abuse in care of Pacific people in this country.  The enquiry has looked at abuse of Pacific people in both state and faith-based institutions between 1950 and 1999.

The name of the enquiry is Tulou - Our Pacific Voices: Tatala e Pulonga', held at the Fale o Samoa in Māngere and had been open to the public from Monday 19th through to the 30th July 2021.…more