Prime Minister of Samoa's response to the New Zealand Law Society

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has responded to New Zealand Law Society President Tiana Epati’s “serious concerns” with the constitutional law reforms under review in Samoa.
The Prime Minister’s reply is published verbatim.
“There is no place for the President of an overseas Law Society to use that organization’s name to try to lecture us or interfere with our country’s democratic processes.
Samoa’s Government is trying to create a Specialist Court of Appeal for its own cultural Lands and Titles to be legally acknowledged and preserved.
It is a matter now at Select Committee for public consultation, and it is a matter for Samoa. In short, it is none of your overseas presidential business.
All the best as you concentrate on the needs of all your society’s members, and we will concentrate on looking after our own country-Samoa.
I hope you and your relative here in Samoa, the President of our Law Society remember that Samoa has been independent since 1962."
The Samoa Law Society had requested the assistance of their New Zealand counterparts who have said they were more than willing to provide assistance and to speak out in support of the Samoan judiciary and legal community.
However the NZ Law a Society still acknowledged Samoa is an independent sovereign country with its own legal system, customs and fa'a Samoa.
"Whatever policy aims need to be achieved, it is hard to understand how such constitutional changes can be justified without the explicit support of a large majority of the people of Samoa obtained through proper consultation," Ms Epati said.
"New Zealand and New Zealand lawyers have an interest in the integrity of the legal systems of our Pacific neighbours with whom we deal frequently."