Ministry of Health Samoa Update: -
As of 9:00am 11th April, 2020, there are NO CONFIRMED CASES of COVID-19 in Samoa. We continue to provide care for all patients who need it, and are prepared to provide care for those who may become infected with COVID-19.
At the time of this update, we can report the following:
1) The 12 outstanding specimens were sent to New Zealand Tuesday evening on an emergency medevac flight
2) The results of these 12 tests were all NEGATIVE for COVID-19.
3) To date, all of the 32 samples sent overseas (New Zealand) for testing came back negative
4) For the past 5 days, no new samples were collected for COVID-19 testing.
MOH will continue to investigate people reporting fever and flu-like symptoms with a history of travel in the past 14 days overseas, and update the public on the status of their COVID-19 testing.
Active surveillance for early detection of COVID-19 cases in Samoa is ongoing. The public will be updated regularly on the number of people meeting the criteria for COVID-19 testing and their test results.
We encourage all persons who have travelled or transited through countries affected by COVID-19 to monitor themselves for the development of fever, cough and shortness of breath.
If you have any of these symptoms, contact the Ministry of Health COVID-19 call centre toll free hotline 800 6440 or your family doctor for advice.
Please self-isolate at home if you have any form of flu-like symptoms. That is to stay in a separate room or house from family members and use separate eating and drinking utensils.
The Ministry of Health is taking full precautions and preventive measures, to control the transmission of COVID-19, including preparing the health system to treat and care for our patients. The public also needs to do its part to protect Samoa:
We are all at risk for COVID-19, especially persons 60 years and over with underlying health conditions.
1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and clean water or alcohol-based hand rub (Sanitizer).
2. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw it into a bin and wash your hands after.
3. Avoid mass gatherings and keep a distance of 1 meter from people with flu-like symptoms (SOCIAL DISTANCING).
4. Wear a mask at all times if you are a sick patient in the hospital, or a healthcare professional working directly with a patient.
5. If you are sick, stay home and self-isolate.
6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
7. Call a healthcare provider if you feel sick for medical advice
8. Clean frequently touched surfaces (i.e. door knobs, counters, phones) with any household disinfectant.
9. Avoid UNECCESSARY visits to hospital, limit family visits to hospital to 1 person. Keep children under age 19 and elders age 60+ years away from hospital.
10. Avoid unnecessary travel
11. Smoking is a risk factor for COVID-19 transmission and complications
Please consult our website, facebook pages, and MOH call centre for accurate and updated facts, information and travel advisory.
FB: @samoagovt @publichealthsamoa
MOH Coronavirus Call Centre Moto’otua, contact the numbers below;
Toll Free # - 800 6440 or any of the following numbers: