Coconut Grove

Last night on Karangahape Road, the First Thursdays event was in full effect. For the first time, all things Pasifika were incorporated in the form of Coconut Grove, a celebration of music, dance, culture, crafts and food. It was refreshing to see K-road alive with the Pasifika community, socializing with friends and family and enjoying the performances.
Not only was Coconut Grove a celebration of our beautiful culture, it was also commemorating the Polynesian Panthers 45th birthday. Manuia lou aso fanau!
The evening began with a karakia and a special mention to the White Ribbon and Free West Papua campaigns. A Samoan dance group from Southern Cross in Mangere then kept the crowds entertained with songs and dance.
Inside were craft stalls! Some of our favorites were jewellery made from recycled plastic bags, and hand crocheted clothing.
The evening was a fresh and vibrant display of island culture. Keep an eye out for our official Coconet story coming soon!