"Learning to be your true, authentic self in a world where conformity is the mode of acceptance. Be you, Be Brave."
FrancMarie was founded on the talents and dreams of its’ Head Designer Frankie Lolohea, a burgeoning designer with an eye for design and a desire to introduce a new aesthetic to the world of fashion.
Frankie Lolohea at her 'We The Brave' show at 1885
She recently showcased her 2nd collection at 1885 in Britomart. The collection aimed to encourage ownership and celebration of ones' quirks and differences in a world where conformity is the mode of acceptance.
Since her debut last year she has since gone on to style and create individual pieces for a range of clients including Auckland-based DJ/FRANCMARIE model DJ Al’Goodie and most recently, SWIDT who proclaimed themselves 'Best Dressed' at the Vodafone NZ Music Awards dressed in FrancMarie!
SWIDT wearing Francmarie at the Vodafone NZ Music Awards
She debuted her first collection last year at Ludus Magnus and dedicated it to her Dad. This year however she feels like her collection is something that people can see and associate with her.
Her design name is also something people can associate with herself as she explained that it's a shortened version of her own name Taueva Francis Maria, "I was named after my grandmother on my Dads side and I've always been a bit of a tomboy so everyone just called me Frankie. Maria is my grandmothers sisters name I believe and then I just shortened Francis Maria to FrancMarie for my design name"
She said of this years collection "Last year I used a lot of denim and stuff like that so this show this year is more a development of my growth as a woman and as a designer. My designs are Unisex - I don't dress like your typical female and I figured that there are people on the same page as me but the clothing isn't as available to them.
Frankie with her parents, sisters, brother & his partner.
This years collection is called 'We, The Brave' and to me, especially being a Pacific Islander we have a lot of cultural aspects that hold us back from actually living 100% as our true, authentic selves as well as the expectations of society. What I'm encouraging people in this collection is to "Be who they want to be in Francmarie"
Frankie was born in New Zealand and did most of her primary school years here before moving with her family to Australia where she completed the rest of her primary and secondary school education. She decided to come back here for uni but Fashion and Design was not something she planned on getting into at all.
"I always wanted to do something sporty like tennis - I used to play tennis (laughs). I took a gap year off after high school and I didn't know what I wanted to do" says Frankie "Then I had a conversation with my sister who was living here already and she was asking me what I liked doing and then slowly turned that into fashion and clothes.
"I've actually taken myself out of uni and I've already set my mind on what I want to do and where I want to go so might as well make a move on it now (laughs)"
Frankie with her sisters celebrating her birthday at her show
We spoke with her before the show and asked where she found inspiration for her collection and if there were any designers she particularly admired.
"My inspiration actually came from tragedies that had happened on the other side of the world and I want to keep on trend with things that are important and keep people focused in that direction and not just bring out things that mean nothing or have no purpose and 'Fashion is just Fashion' you know? I was given a book on Alexander McQueen and his creative thought, process and concepts - how he comes up with his designs are incredible. Clothing isn't just clothing to him and he really looks into the history of what he's studying at that point in time. So I appreciate the 'Behind the Scenes' before it actually comes out on the runway"
"I don't really keep up with designers at all. I look more to street wear and street style for inspiration just because I feel like they're a lot more creative and are more daring so I try to bring that into what I've got going on with Francmarie"
Frankie doesn't label herself as a Pacific designer but rather a designer who is of Pacific heritage and her goal is to one day show a collection at NZ Fashion Week and crack the NZ fashion industry before showing it in other countries although she would love to show at the Pacific Fusion here in Auckland and the Pacific Runway show in Sydney as well.
Her culture has also played a part in some of her creations although she says she has done it in the most subtle way possible, "I'm Tongan and I've made a ta'unga costume out of leather which was quite hard. With my show last year and this year I've made tupenu's. I've made them out of denim and corduroy and put my own spin on it. We wear what is like the kafa which is the wrap around that ties the mat, so I've made a few of those to take it back home a bit but at the same time it still looks good fashion wise"
If anything I hope people are able to take away a sense of confidence within themselves. My style of clothing may not be their personal style or anything like that but taking the concept of being brave away with them and being brave enough to wear what they want to wear - thats all I can ask really.
Some of the guests at Frankies show included SWIDT, Sammy Salsa & friends, DJ Al Goodie, Swiss & his wife Tree.
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