Coco Talanoa — Events / Page 14
Pacific Fusion Fashion Show 2016
The Pacific Fusion Fashion Show went off in South Auckland and Coconet.TV caught the action.
Held at the Andrew-Simms Botany car dealership, the fashion design competition featured a mix of emerging and established designers showcasing street wear, evening wear, haute couture and ready to wear fashion.
Besides being a designer's competition and having several non-comp showings the event was a platform for models to face off strut their stuff for a place as the Face of Fusion 2017.
The night was hosted by Latafale Auva'a (previous Miss Samoa NZ, Miss Samoa, Miss Pacific Islands and Miss World Samoa) and judged by international guest judge Lepou Peni of Lepou and Grace; social media sensation Kris Fox; and NZ Fashion Week co-owner Anna Hood.
It was an awesome night with several celebs in attendance and the man of the Olympic hour - Pita Taufatofua - also making his catwalk debut.…more

Our Top 3 Moments from the Rio Olympics Opening Ceremony
Our little island nations caused a stir in more ways than 1 at the Olympics opening ceremony in Rio yesterday. Here's our Top 3 moments.
#1 PITA TAUFATOFUA - Tonga's flag bearer leading out the rest of his team into the Maracana Stadium
at which point the internet collectively lost its mind ....
Way to put Tonga on the map Pita!
You can follow him on instagram here on Snapchat - PitaSii or on Facebook
#2 OSEA KOLINISAU - Fiji's Flagbearer/7s Captain who was asked by Serena Williams to have his photo taken with her which she shared on her Snapchat!
#3 COOK ISLANDS OLYMPICS TEAM making the Best Dressed Team & the Boldest Uniform lists in their TAV sponsored uniforms
Manea tikae!
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Pacific Collection Access Project
The Pacific Collection Access Project at the Auckland Museum is a 3 year project that hopes to build knowledge of the Pacific treasures, provide safety for the collection as well as increase public access & engagement, especially for Pacific communities.
Treasures such as musical instruments, tools, ornaments and carvings from 13 different island nations/groupings will be brought out of storage, catalogued, conserved and photographed over the next three years. These 13 islands will be worked on in alphabetical order with the Cook Islands being the first as part of the Pacific Collection Access Project.
Fulimalo Pereira, the curator of the Pacific Collections at Auckland Museum said of the project "It's finally nice to get the Pacfic Collection Access Project up & running. As you probably already know we're doing the islands alphabetically and so of course the Cook Islands comes first and it's been just an absolute joy having the Mamas (Mama Mary Ama & Mama Kimi Hakaoro) and Papa William Hakaoro work through the collection with us.…more

Reflections of a non-fashion Journalist
I don’t do fashion – like never. My sisters do, but not me. Being naturally beautiful and stunning means I don’t need makeup….bahaha….but really, it’s for lack of beauty skills. I like nice clothes and I do make an attempt occasionally, but when it comes to fashion, I would much rather go the casual route. So when I pitched to cover the show for Coconet, I was not thinking straight, obviously I had been up all night with the 9 month old to put together logical thoughts. Also, as a side note, I specialize in environmental journalism, so I must not have been thinking straight AT ALL!
Anyhow, my sister Omega who lives in the Middle East, travels the world for fun & knows the difference between a mascara and a lip pencil and her beautiful friend Liana who is Tongan from Sydney, wearing Guess heels and enough gold to sink a ship joined me “on assignment” that night.…more

Living Myth and Unlocking the Metaphor
Check out this beautiful talk looking at the use of metaphors in our Pacific languages - mainly the Hawaiian language!
Like her ancestors, Pualani Kanaka'ole Kanahele epitomizes cultural brilliance, beauty and power. A renowned scholar and author who is steeped in the hula tradition, she leads a team of researchers in reestablishing an ancient Hawaiian system of cultural intelligence. Dr. Kanahele is of pure Hawaiian descent and was raised in a hula tradition that spans many generations.

Fashion at the Festival of Pacific Arts in Guam!
An explosion of feathers, flowers and finery takes center stage at FestPac, with all the flavours of the Pacific flaunted in the festival fashion.
The styles of Oceania have never looked so stunning as Island nations parade their original designs and prints on the FestPac catwalk.
Costuming and unique Island adornments are on show all around Guam, as Pacificans everywhere represent their Island vibes.
Fijian designer Epeli based all his creations around the Fijian goddess who introduced tatau to Samoa.
Mena - Fashion for Fiji Charity Show
MENA which is a family Pacific Fashion label based in Auckland, organised a catwalk event to help raise funds to help get the people of Fiji back on their feet.
It's not in the headlines now, but the devastation caused by tropical cyclone Winston is still being felt in Fiji.
Fiji is still suffering the effects, so every little bit counts!
Check out the latest range from MENA here

Festival of the Pacific Arts 2016 - Guam
Check out the biggest gathering of Pacific artists in the world - the Festival of the Pacific Arts 2016!
27 different Islands from Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia have come together in a sharing of knowledge and Taonga from their counties.

Local Chamorro are hosting the different delegations at high schools around the Island that have been converted into dorms for the 100 strong delegations.
Hundreds of different artist feature across all art forms until June 2nd - from visual arts, digital arts, floral, food, traditional dance, contemporary performance, body adornment, theatre, tatau and clay work.
Spectacular Opening of the Festival of Pacific Arts '16 : Guåhan/Guam
The spectacular opening of the Festival of Pacific Arts '16 with 27 Island nations representing their finest in this unique showdown of all our magnificent Pacific taonga and performance! #FestPac #OpeningShowcase #VakaArrival
Pacific Festival of the Arts 2016 in Guam
The Pacific Festival of the Arts kicked off to a breathtaking start this morning with the arrival of a magnificent fleet of Vaka from neighboring regions and the federated stars of Micronesia.
Master navigator Tua Pittman from the Cook Islands says "while it was too far for our own vaka to come this year, it was a huge honour to be invited to sail in on the Chamorro vaka - we owe so much of our ocean craft to the Micronesians."
The traditional vaka of Micronesia made up most of the fleet for the festival opening including those from Saipan and Lamotrek who sailed for 6 days to reach Guahan.
The festival officially opens this evening with 27 countries from the Pacific region representing their Island nations in a spectacular opening ceremony for this unique showcase of arts and culture that lasts until June 4th.