The Black Friars "Macbeth"

#ICYMI The Black Friars head into the 2nd week of their "Macbeth" production tomorrow night.
We went to see the play for ourselves on Saturday night and were rapt with the stunning Pasifika costuming, outstanding singing and musical direction as well as the phenomenal acting from the whole cast throughout. I would dare to say that even if you aren't well versed in Shakespearean literature and don't necessarily like Shakespeares tragedies - you'll still enjoy this production.
Here's a few reviews from people who have seen the show ...
"Have never seen classic English literature retold like this - in a way that's relevant to us, Pasifika people. Loved the music and dance!! Amazing to see Shakespeare presented in Poly flavour and to see a theatre company actively breaking down negative stereotypes around South Auckland and our Pasifika people. HIGHLY RECOMMEND SEEING THIS PLAY! My favourite Shakespeare production."
- Indira Stewart, Radio NZ Journalist
"I recently had the pleasure of checking out the latest Black Friars theatre production, Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. The intimate setting of the Mangere Arts centre allows for this story to be told in a distinctively Pasifika voice. I've always been a fan of recontextualising old narratives with our music, our customs and our voices and I feel the Black Friars execute that beautifully without a hint of cheesiness. Special mention to the choir/chorus who I thought were just as much the protagonists as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth"
- Samuel Tanielu, English & Media Teacher, St Pauls College
"Last night Reina and I saw MACBETH in the Mangere Arts Centre. It is a Black Friars theatre production directed by Michelle Johansson and Billy Revell. Stage productions of Shakespeare I usually find too long but this one held my attention and admiration all the way. It is a unique Pasefika version fused with Pasefika dance and chanting and rituals, costuming and choral work. The acting is impressive. Go and see it. Congratulations to Black Friars!"
- Albert Wendt, Acclaimed Pacific Author, Poet & Artist
"I really enjoyed it. I'd thought I might get bored watching a Shakespeare play but the singing and dancing is really good. They even had Irene Folau in it and she's a mean singer - She won the 'Stand Up, Stand Out' Solo Vocal. Some of the Shakespearean language I couldn't really understand but you could still follow along with the acting"
- Jirah Momoisea, High School Student
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