Tell us a little about yourself.
My Name is Matiah. I am an artist with Māori, Tongan, and Norweigan heritage. I specialize in tattooing, tamoko and tatau. I am the middle child of three...I was born and raised Manurewa.
When did you first realise tattooing was more than a hobbie?
I was raised constantly surrounded by all forms of creativity. I never saw art as a hobbie - I just unconsciously did it as a form of expression.....The transition into tattooing really just presented itself to me when I had just finished high school and had no clue as to what I was going to do with my life lol. I was definitely curious about tattooing though and had been for quite some time. When the opportunity came up to work under the guidance of Tā Moko artist Gordon Toi I took it and immersed myself in it and found myself in envrioments that were nourishing for me.
Where and who do you draw inspiration from for patterns and designs?
Mostly indigenous art....I express a lot of my own personal root's and heritage in my art. I take inspiration from things that I like and am drawn too.... I can be drawn to things because of what they represesnt culturally/spiritually/personally....or I can be drawn to something purely because I appreciate it's beauty. I'm also always challenged by my clients to come up with concept's and idea's that I haven't tried or explored before which is always exciting.
Who inspired your journey to start this as a career?
I think ever since I started my journey with tattooing having my families support has always been massive for me, especially my dad who’s basically been my backbone in kick starting my career as a tattooist. So yeah I’d probably say if it wasn’t for him pushing me and always being there for me and reminding me that there’s no limitations to what I can do I probably wouldn’t have even pursued tattooing as a career, so shot Dad love you lol!
Tattooing is a competitive realm, what do you think makes your work unique?
I try not too think of it in terms of "competition" I just want to create work that I am proud of and that my clients are proud to wear for the rest of their lives.... Everything comes secondary to that. If I am true to myself, than everything else will follow suit.
What are some of the challenges you’ve faced so far?
A challenge for me is being able to find the balance between work and creating space and time for myself.
Tattooing take's alot of energy because it is such an intimate process.... Sometimes I struggle making sure I am taking time to unwind from it all...and realigning with myself.
What do you love most about what you do?
That I get to do something that fufills me and brings value to others.
If you could describe your work in one sentence, what would it be?
I'd say my work is an extenstion of who I am and who I am growing into.
Favourite tattoo artist at the moment?
Probably my dad @terje_k
What do you hope to see for the future of your career?
To continue to find fufillment and happiness in what I do. And to grow creatively I’m excited to see how much my work will grow In the future!