Humans of the Islands - Miss World Fiji 2017 Nanise Rainima

Bula Vinaka!
My name is Nanise Rainima and I work as a full-time missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ which is a Non-Governmental organisation.
I work with University Students and am passionate about connecting students to Jesus Christ.

I come from one of the biggest provinces in Fiji which is Tailevu. Both my parents are from this province so I'm what you'd call a Pure-bred Tailevuan. I am the middle child of 5 children (3 boys, 2 girls) and my parents are serving as Pastors.

You have been selected to represent Fiji at Miss World, what was the journey like to get to this point?
I started thinking about joining Miss World Fiji ever since 2015 but it was not until late 2016 that I was firmly chose to carry it out by preparing myself especially physically. The journey was a tough one, I was strict on my diet and also I trained and pushed myself to getting into shape.

What made you decide to enter Miss World Fiji?
The decision was my own to join Miss World Fiji. Over the years after winning Miss Hibiscus Festival and becoming Miss Fiji in 2014, friends and even some of the general public would ask why I didn't want to enter Miss World Fiji, I usually would acknowledge their question and say oh, I don't think it's for me. But my decision changed when I started to see how this platform was such an influential platform for young people mostly especially young women and I wanted that opportunity so I decided to give it a try this year.

What do you think the biggest challenge would be on the journey to Miss World?
I think for me what I would find challenging is with the time to prepare till Miss World beginning in November, I want to be able to maximise the time before then to prepare myself well.

I understand you have a Bachelor of Science, why did you decided to pursue this degree?
My Dad wanted to become a doctor and started pursuing that field in High School but was unable to fulfil that. So because of that and also because I had always been fascinated by the human anatomy and wanted to help save people's lives I thought to do this. So initially the plan was to do medicine but I didn't get the scholarship and so I thought to do Bachelor of Science and then cross credit to do medicine but right now I enjoy doing mission work and don't plan to leave it anytime soon.

How has your upbringing + culture shaped you into the woman you are today?
My parents brought me up in the Word of God and taught me values from the Bible and that was what shaped me and being in a culture of to earn respect is to show respect, I grew up understanding that my elders are to be shown respect because it's the right thing to do and also kindness is not dependent on what someone has done for you but being kind is simply learning to love and accept everyone for who they are and not how you can benefit from them.
Who are your biggest inspirations and why?
They are my role model(s)/motivation/inspiration and biggest supporters and that's my parents. Love is what motivates me to honour them and make them proud and also what makes them continue to stand behind me in whatever I set my mind to do. I love my parents.

What are your goals for the future?
I'd love to be able to open a foundation that helps under-privileged children but until then, working with young people right now is what I feel I should be doing for this season and when God knows I need to move on, I will.