Tupou is 20 years old and was born and raised in Fiji. He is currently studying Accounting at Massey University in Palmerston North. Tupou has achieved
academic success by receiving a certificate of excellence in Intermediate Financial Accounting in his second year of study. He was also given the
opportunity to intern with Cotton Kelly Services, an audit firm in Palmerston North. He has been involved in supporting the Massey Pasifika Club
Association as an executive, as well as contributed to their cultural events and festivals.
With a keen interest in extending his audit skills and knowledge capacity, Tupou’s future goals and aspirations is to become an accountant.
Why do you do what you do?
First and foremost it's for my heavenly father for bringing me the opportunity and also for my parents - their hard work and resilience in bringing me up and all the hard work they've done has inspired me. Their success and hard work and I'm pretty sure for most of the recipients it's the foundation that our parents have set us. The standard they've set for us is really high, so why I do it is because I want to give back to my parents, family and communities that have brought me to where I am today.
Why is it important for Pacific people to be representing in this way?
I believe our cultural values need to be recognised, it's prestigious and something that needs to be kept for further generations so this moment and this special occasion will show that. Our cultural values and we as Pasifika people can also impact the community and also bring a difference using all our cultural values and respective religions and all our hard work so we can showcase that.
What do you think are the coolest things about Pacific young people today?
I would say it's the pride in our culture, the pride we have taking part in extra cultural and social activities like the annual Pacific Fusion Fashion Show and all those events - it's really important for us. That's what makes it fun for us to bring that level of energy and pride that we have in our culture and then show it to Aotearoa.
What excites you about being a young Pasifika person in Aotearoa today?
The opportunities here in New Zealand. We come from our respective home lands and islands to search and look for better opportunities and the quality of life in Aotearoa is a lot of opportunities that we can take and make the most of and impacting the Pasifika community here.
What are your plans and dreams for the future?
To stay in New Zealand and secure a future here and coming from Fiji as an international student, I want to work and contribute my skills to Aotearoa. I believe it's an exciting journey to come here and it's exciting to be able to take this Deloitte internship this summer and also have a pathway to a career. I have options as well so making the most of jobs and opportunities here is what excites me and I'm motivated and inspired by that.