Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Michel Mulipola

Michel Mulipola


Comic Book Artist / Professional Wrestler and owner of 'Bloody Samoan Art' company.

Michel Mulipola is a self taught Samoan comic book artist from Auckland. He is currently working as a Story Artist for Walt Disney Animation Studios on an upcoming project. You also may regonise him as the wrestler "Bloody Samoan". 


As a little kid I pretty much remember my Uncles being into comics. I stumbled across their stash of comic books and instantly fell in love with it. I think it was just the characters, the costumes, the bright colours, just everything about it captured my young imagination. Eversince then, it’s been a constant in my life - just comic books.

Being a kid, naturally I loved to draw and when I found those comics, all I wanted to be was a comic book artist.


So were you that kid in class drawing comic characters while the teacher was teaching?


Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Mara Liske

Mara Liske

Former Professional Golfer

American Samoan

I grew up Pago Pago in Tutuila, American Samoa. I moved to California, United States in my Junior Year in High School and it's been my home ever since. I'm now married to a 'Californian'.

What was it like for you moving to the United States as a teenager after growing up in the Islands?
For me the real challenging part was that we were missing Grandparents, cousins, Aunties - the whole extended family. Just everything that you know. And in terms of a culture shock - the U.S. is highly individualistic so people think in terms of what's best for them but I came from a culture where people think about what's best for all and individual needs are secondary. It was cold (laughs). In American Samoa we grew up swimming at the beach, the waterfall - but the ocean on the West Coast in Cali ...umm disappointing and very cold (laugh). I missed everything.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Ena Schwalger

Ena Schwalger
Elei Artist
Samoa at FestPac in Guam

One thing about the Guam people is that they are really really friendly and they are so fascinated with Polynesian things- they went out of their way to make us welcome.

I'm representing Samoa making elei at the festival. I had a stall at the maketi in Samoa which burnt down, so it so good bringing my materials over here where the whole Pacific is!

I do all the elei myself - I make stencils of the ulu leaves and all the other samoan patterns then I print my fabric up so it's totally unique.

And our ie Lavalava we have is the best! It's pure cotton and really soft and we have so many different designs. We are so proud of the way we've improved our printing - the Samoan ie really stands out here and the Micronesians especially really love it.

Our stuff has been very popular I think because not many people are doing clothes and we're pretty cheap compared to other products.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Dallanz Tuiseke & Iane Atalifo

Dallanz Tuiseke and Iane Atalifo

My name is Dallanz and I'm representing Rotuma. This is our first time at a festival like this and we are so excited to represent our culture.

We are drummers and we play the lales and the dunduns and the pahua. We are part of the Fijian delegation and we are also performers in Rako Pasifika which is a contemporary dance group in Fiji

Iane: We have strong links with other Polynesia styles Wallace and Futuna, Samoa and Tonga so we've adapted our styles to other countries as well Rotuman music is most similar to Fiji.

Iane: The Kuki and Tahitian beats are the best their very technical and their instruments compliment each other very well. We've actually been to Washington DC and the Blues fest in Byron Bay. We do our cultural dances which is based around themes - climate change and global warming.

What makes the Rotuman flavour stand out at the festival?
Dallanz: Our energy.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Poloma Iosefa (Momeachokes)



28 years old

I was born in Samoa but I came here when I was about 8 months old. I've pretty much spent my whole life in New Zealand. I only have two sisters - I'm the middle child. We all do our own thing but I'm pretty much the comedian in the family.
Can you tell me a little bit about your childhood, background and what life was like for you growing up?
I've lived in Mangere (South Auckland) pretty much my whole life.  Mangere's home to me, it's where I grew up.  I went to Wesley College, a Methodist boarding school which is a mean Tongan school (laughs).  I grew up with a lot of Tongans there.
Describe the experience of being away from your family at a young age and living in a boarding school?
I was a real Mummy's boy so it was really hard.  In the first week I think I cried like every night.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Kobi Tanetongu

Kobi Tanetongu
Chamorro Weaver

I'm making this fisherman's hat, this is the style from our ancestors almost exact replica from the way we made them hundreds of years ago.

The more intense weaving is from my teacher here but a lot of the style of coconut weaving came from my aunties.
This pandanus comes from off island the Chamorro coconut fibre is alot stronger, alot more sturdy.

We don't have a lot of coconut trees in Guam so there isn't a lot of raw material- the beetlenut destroyed

As far as folding leaves it was very easy to get the concept but it's very difficult to hold on to all the leaves at one time! Now days all the traditional weavers are really scattered, in our all group Its mostly men who weave but back in the day it was mostly women.

The most challenging thing I have woven is a little bag because the finer it gets the more challenging it can be.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Naki Moala

Naki Moala

Tongan / Chamorro

26 years old

I was raised in California in the Bay area, born in the West Bay San Mateo and then raised in Hayward, East Bay. My Mom is from Saipan and my Dad is from Tonga and I'm the second eldest of 5 kids. We were raised in the Church, that's where the musical journey started for me. 

We're all musical - my Grandma kind of just put us in front of audiences at church and made us sing Tongan hymns and do our lesoni's (scripture readings). Me and my siblings we formed a band called the 'Tomorro's' (Tongan/Chamorro). Music was kind of something that would always bring my family together. Everytime we were at family parties my Dad would always volunteer us to be the entertainment of the night. It was just something I loved doing because it always got us together and it was always good times.

Can you describe what it was like being raised with two completely different Pacific cultures of the Pacific? Your mix is a unique combination.more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - John Mateialona Maumau-Pinomi

John Mateialona Maumau-Pinomi

Tongan, 31 years old

Aspiring Football player

My mum is from Tokomololo on the main island of Tonga and my dad is from Mounga'one in Ha'apai. I'm kiwi born and raised but I've been in Australia for six years. I've got 2 brothers, one sister - I'm the eldest of 4. All my immediate family are living in New Zealand and I had a brother that passed away. I'm married now with 2 kids. When I met my wife I decided to move over here (Australia) to be with her. We got married in New Zealand and I've been pretty much living in Australia since. 
Can you describe what your upbringing was like? 
We pretty much had a normal polynesian upbringing. My parents were heavily into church so Sundays was always about church. Saturdays was always footy (football) day, playing sports. The best memories I have growing up, are of spending time in the neighbourhood with other neighbourhood kids and getting up to mischief and other adventures.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Pita Taufatofua

Pita Taufatofua

Taekwondo Olympian

Tongan / Australian

Pita is currently raising funds for the Kingdom of Tonga after a large Tsunami caused by a volcanic eruption devastated Tonga on the 15th of January.

Click here to donate to this fundraiser which has a 1 miliion dollar goal with funds specificed to go towards those most in need, infrastructure and damage to schools, hospitals etc.


My mother's Australian/British.  My father's from Ha'apai and Vava'u in Tonga. There's seven of us, but one of my sisters passed away from Cancer when I was about 4 or 5. I'm the 3rd eldest. 

I still have memories of it. I still remember the day we had her funeral. At that age I felt the sadness from everyone else around. Because I was so young I didn't have a full grasp of what death was. But what I do remember was the sadness of the people around me, my family and everyone else. She was a student at Queen Salote college at the time, she was only 12.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Nastajia Bourke

Nastajia Bourke

Tongan / Irish


35 yrs, 

I've had the odd people think I'm Maori, South American...I've had Samoan..but yeah, when I smile and you see my gold teeth, then you know I'm tongan (laughs). My Dad's Tongan/Irish and my mum's Tongan/English so I have a bit of a Tongan/European background. I was born and raised in Auckland, the youngest of five children. I was raised in South Auckland but schooled in Remuera my whole life. I went to Barradine College and then in my last year of school, I moved to Japan by myself. I got a scholarship to study Anthropology and Japanese Linguistics at a private Japanese Women's university in Nara, Japan. I was out of 20 applicants in New Zealand being interviewed for the scholarship and I remember being the only Pacific Islander in the line up of interviewees.…more