Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Sione Pome'e

Sione Pome'e

31-years-old, Tongan

Design Engineer, Owner of Pomee Constructions Ltd, Band member of Three Houses Down

"We were brought up in those lucky times where there was no Xbox, no Play station. It was just a tennis ball, gutter board and that’s all. Those were the days when all the neighbours knew each other and after school, we already knew that everyone was gonna gather together at ‘this’ person’s house and play bullrush in the front lawn you know? that’s how I remember my upbringing. We’re one of the lucky ones. Kids don’t get brought up that way these days. Back then, you see what you don’t have and it was kind of a motivation for you to do something with your life."


Do you have a favourite childhood memory?

I have this memory I keep at the back of my head all the time, and it’s a memory of my dad coming home everyday from work and getting out of his overalls.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Fez Fa'anana

Fez Fa'anana - aka Shivannah

Performing Artist


The hilarious and internationally renowned boylesque troupe 'Briefs' is coming to Aotearoa for their brand new show 'Dirty Laundry' at the Q-Theatre in December 2023.

The show mixes circus, drag, dance, burlesque, music and comedy and will be sure to be the Christmas doo that everyone will want to do!  

The show is led by the very talented Fez Fa'anana aka Shivannah who is not only the Director and Co-Founder but also the Choreographer, performer, collaborator and co-creator.

Fez Faanana says, “I was born in Aotearoa so it’s an extra special place for me and for Briefs Factory.  We’ve been lucky enough to hit it off with Auckland audiences and after a little global interruption we are finally back at Q theatre with our biggest production with more boys, more feathers and more ridiculousness.”

See Dirty Laundry in action and grab tickets here when they go on sale on Friday 11th August at 12pm.

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Gustavia Lui

Gustavia Lui

Samoan/Tuvaluan 28 years old

Owner of Staavias Footwear Company

I have big feet, I hate admitting it. I was walking in the office one day and the heel of my shoe snapped in half! My feet are size 11 and a half. I love to dress up but I could never find shoes my size. Whenever I’ve talked to other island girls, they all felt the same. So I thought, okay no one else is doing it, the way I want it. I’ll do it myself!

What was your first step towards getting in to the shoe making business?

Getting over my fear. I would’ve been up and running a lot earlier had I gotten over my fear a lot earlier. In 2013 I applied for the AMP Scholarship People’s Choice Award and got rewarded with the 2nd prize. I went to China and took my $1000 prize money and used it to buy me two foot moulds (they cost $500 each).…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Dr Semisi Lolohea

Dr Semisi Lolohea


General Surgeon, Colorectal Surgeon

I grew up in the Islands where I went to school and I was 17 years old when I moved to New Zealand. It was my first time outside of Tonga and it was quite daunting. My English wasn’t very good. I could have reasonable conversations with people but it was very hard for me adjusting in the first year.

And did you know at that time that you wanted to pursue a medical career?

Yeah I was always quite keen on doing medicine. I worked hard with my studies but it was challenging because of the language barrier. When I made it into Medicine school I could understand what they were talking about but asking questions and actually having a conversation with the Teacher was a struggle. Sometimes I wanted to answer questions but I was a bit embarrassed because I could not speak English properly. It remained a barrier even all throughout my career but over time I gained more confidence.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Sulani Helg

Sulani Helg

17 years old

Samoan, high school student.

I’m the eldest of 5 children and I come from a big Samoan family. My last name is Helg and that originated from Germany, so I have German in me but I’m also part Fijian, Tongan and Cook Islander. I do acknowledge those cultures because they make me ‘me’. I wouldn’t be the person I am without my cultural ancestors so it’s important to me that I acknowledge that.

Do you see yourself as a role model to other pacific island youth?

I try to embody my philosophy to respect others. I want to create a platform with everything that I accomplish to inspire other young people to follow their dreams and to not give up or let any obstacles get in their way, to endure and persevere. I try to be a role model for the youth.

Who’s been the most influential person in your life and why?

I’d say my parents and my grandparents. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be here today.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Tugi Paula Ryan Togiaheulu

Tugi Paula Ryan Togiaheulu

30 years old

World traveller

What’s your Pacific heritage?

My father is Niuean and part Tongan from Tamakautoga, Tuapa,  Fatai and Nukuknuku , Hihifo. My Mum is Niuean, Cook Island from Hakupu and Palmerston Island.

What are you currently doing and how did you get there?

I’m currently teaching in Valledupar on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America. Being Polynesian, it’s in our blood to voyage. I’ve always been curious about the world, different cultures, ancient knowledge, rituals, medicine, language, music, history, art, religion - it all fascinates me. Travelling was just a natural progression on my quest to learn and discover more about the world and myself.

What did you before then?

I studied Live Sound Audio Engineering at the Music and Audio Institute of New Zealand and then went on to complete a degree in Criminology and Social Sciences at A.U.T  I’m about to start post graduate studies soon.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Dr Semisi Lolohea

Dr Semisi Lolohea

General Surgeon, Colorectal Surgeon

I grew up in the Islands where I went to school and I was 17 years old when I moved to New Zealand. It was my first time outside of Tonga and it was quite daunting.  My English wasn’t very good. I could have reasonable conversations with people but it was very hard for me adjusting in the first year.

And did you know at that time that you wanted to pursue a medical career?

Yeah I was always quite keen on doing medicine. I worked hard with my studies but it was challenging because of the language barrier. When I made it into Medicine school I could understand what they were talking about but asking questions and actually having a conversation with the Teacher was a struggle. Sometimes I wanted to answer questions but I was a bit embarrassed because I could not speak English properly.  It remained a barrier even all throughout my career but over time I gained more confidence.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Susana Leota


Susana Leota

32 years old, living in Samoa.

Legal Adviser, National District Health Board

Describe your family background?

I have 6 other siblings and we also often grew up surrounded by lots of extended family. My parents raised us with traditional fa’asamoa values but they also encouraged us to adapt in western society. They taught us to value education and encouraged us to read lots of books. We had to speak politely and use our manners. We often labeled as posh kids by our peers.

Do you have a treasured memory from your childhood?

I attended a school for kids with special needs or who had vision impairment and one year they put on a Halloween party. My parents dressed me up as a little Taupou. I remember it was raining and the treasure hunt went around the whole school. I needed crutches to walk on and my Dad didn’t want me walking the distance in the rain so he piggy-backed me through the whole treasure hunt. That’s one of my favourite memories.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Lilian Su'a

Lilian Su’a


Theatre Director, Aspiring Film Director


What inspired you to work in theatre and film?

I’ve always wanted to make films because I loved watching movies when I was little. There was one fale in our village in Fugalei, and they had a TV. Whenever they turned it on I I would just kind of stand outside their fale by the pillars and just peak in. Back then, they’d be playing imported movies from America like The Lion King. We would watch Cartoons and it was like the ‘in’ thing in the village. Myself and the village kids would just stand outside and watch and we weren’t allowed to go inside the house unless the owner would see us and invite us in. It was the only fale in our whole village that had a TV and that’s where you would find all the kids. I guess that’s where my fascination with movies started.

And that led you to what you’re doing now?

Yes - directing and writing Theatre productions.…more

Humans of the Islands

Humans Of The Islands - Seuta'afili Patrick Saulmatino Thomsen

Seutaafili Patrick Saulmatino Thomsen

31 years old


Where do you come from and where are you currently located?

I was born in Auckland New Zealand, my village in Samoa is Vaimoso, and I grew up in Manurewa.  After living in Korea for the last 7 years, I recently moved to Seattle, Washington, USA.

What are you currently doing with your life?

I completed my MA in International studies at Seoul National University in Korea a couple of years ago. After that, I moved to Seattle and I’m now a PhD student at the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington.

Is this where you'd planned to be?

In all honesty, I wanted to be in entertainment or sport, like most poly kids of my time.  I left New Zealand at 25 years old, to go on my OE to South Korea - that was only meant to last one year!

I ended up doing further study there. During my MA studies, I fell in love with the research and made up my mind to pursue my PhD.…more