My name is Serafina Maulupe – I was born in a small town in the Midwest called Wayne, Nebraska. I grew up in Sioux City, Iowa. I am a midwestern girl at heart. I currently reside in Murrieta, California. I am half Samoan & Filipino. My dad is Samoan, my family comes from the village of Aua and Fagaalu. My mom is Filipino, and my family comes from Ilocos Norte and Pangasinan. I am currently looking to get back into the basketball scene. I’d love to work for a team at the college level – either coaching or the operations side. While looking for my next opportunity – I created a platform called, “Inside the Grind” and my show highlights our Pasifika athletes.
You recently started a platform called "Inside the Grind" and IslandCityMedia Group are helping push the show out - can you tell us about this and where you got the inspiration to start it?
Inside the Grind stemmed from my passion to wanting to give back to the pasifika community and my love for storytelling. While my time playing college basketball, I created a podcast called, “Flow’n with Fina.” My podcast was about my journey of coming back from an ACL tear and that sparked me wanting to interview other people in the sports world, either athletes or talent in the media field. I had the opportunity to interview Matt Barnes, Ryan Hollins, Former UCLA Head Coach, Steve Lavin, etc. Creating my own podcast, I found a love for storytelling. Fast forward to 2021, I’ve been thinking of different ways on how I can give back to the pasifika community and that’s what made me think of Inside the Grind. I wanted to interview the pasifika professional athletes because I know our athletes are key in our community and I feel that if people were able to hear their story – it would inspire others to want to achieve their goals!
What were the pathways that led you to what you're doing now?
I played college basketball at California State University, Northridge and during my time there, I mentioned in my previous answer, I tore my ACL while my time playing. When that happened to me, I really had to think about what was next for me after my basketball career. While playing basketball – I interned at FOX Sports creating highlights and I interned at a network in LA called Spectrum Sports Network and I created content for the LA Lakers, LA Dodgers and LA Sparks. Having those internships opened my eyes to the different opportunities in media. Those were the pathways that led me what I’m doing now!
Do you have a favourite interview or someone you were super excited to meet and interview? Can you tell us about it?
I want to start off by saying that all the people I’ve interviewed so far are amazing and I’ve enjoyed every single one of them. The one I was super excited to meet, and interview was Peyton Siva. He was one of my favorite point guards growing up. I watched him throughout his career at University of Louisville and what made that interview so fun for me it was because we were talking basketball which is my passion. It was such an awesome interview to do because I got to hear his experience playing at Louisville and winning a national championship. Overall, I was so excited to interview all the athletes I’ve interviewed so far!
How important is it to bring a Pasifika perspective to what you do?
I believe that having a platform like Inside the Grind is important for the Pasifika community. I wanted to create a show specifically for our community because I want kids or adults to be able to watch this show and feel that they can relate to them because these are our people. I want them to see that if they can do it, then I can do it. Having a perspective of being Pasifika is beneficial because we’re different and it’s important to focus in on the uniqueness of being Samoan, Hawaiian, Tongan, etc. I want people to know that the Pasifika people are more than just athletes or actors, we have a space of using our voice in the media world as well. It is up to us to realize that and use it to our advantage.
What have been some of your most challenging and then some of the most rewarding moments getting this platform off the ground?
Thank you for asking this question – I would say the most challenging part with getting this platform off the ground is getting more of an audience. Figuring out how can I attract more viewers and constantly thinking of different ways to see how I can set this platform apart from others. Thinking of how I can get more of an audience. That would be a challenging part – figuring out how to attract more viewers. The most rewarding moments are definitely the messages I receive from people saying how they love this platform and the purpose of it and how it inspires them or their kids. Overall, that is the why behind this platform. I want Inside the Grind to inspire anyone within the Pasifika community. They don’t have to be an athlete to relate. Anyone that wants to become the best version of themselves, I want and hope this platform can help them achieve that!
What is the best piece of advice you've been given?
The best advice I’ve received is BE YOU in what you do. Don’t try to be the next Kobe Bryant, Oprah or Steve Harvey. Learn and watch what people like Kobe or Michael Jordan do and see what you can take from what they do and then apply it to your life and see how it can help you be the best you can be. There is only ONE of you on this earth. We were meant to make a difference in this world by being authentically YOU. Stay in your lane and don’t compare your life to others. Work hard for what you want in life and control what you can control!
What I love most about being an Asian/Pacific woman is that I'm representing something bigger than myself. I'm representing the Philippines and Samoa. I don't just represent myself and my family but I have the Philippines and Samoa on my back as well, which gives me fuel. It gives me more purpose. I want to continue to represent my heritage and my family. Being Asian/Pacific, I embrace being different and looking different and really representing where I come from. I find so much joy in that and love who I am.
Follow Serafina on Instagram here and Watch her 'Inside the Grind' Youtube channel here