#OPINION God's Plan - leaving the results of the next election "Up to the Lord"

Last night the Samoan head of State Afioga Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II, revoked the results of the general election held on the 9th of April and has instructed the nation to vote again on the 21st of May due to the continued deadlock in Samoa (both parties are on 26 MPs each)
The leader of FAST, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa does not agree with this decision and has spoken out about actions that she calls wrong and unlawful - “We denounce this behaviour, and the misuse of resources and public officials to hold on to power. We must follow this process without diversion or trickery,” she said in a press briefing.
However, the caretaker Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has commended the Head of State for his decision to call a fresh election and said that his party leaves the results of the next election "Up to the Lord"
Journalist Va'ai Nah Folasa asks the question "What if Gods plan doesn't suit your own personal plan?"
Last week I wrote an article on Samoa's spiritual and constitutional foundation on God.
My conclusion was that individuals cannot act any way they choose and then claim "God will decide". Ultimately WE are all responsible and bear the consequences of our actions. We cannot claim or blame God (nor the Devil for that matter) for any misdeeds. If we believe there is a Divine plan for us all we must accept what life dishes out and deal with the opportunities and hurdles we may come across.
Our caretaker Prime Minister is a true believer in God. He has a such a special relationship that God is a frequent, although sometimes belated, whisperer directed to the PM's ears alone.
The appointment of the current Chief Justice is just one example. After many months God finally whispered in the PM's ear as to his preferred candidate, the PM relayed this to Cabinet and the appointment was duly made.
The frequent references to God and catch phrase quotes from the bible are designed to elevate those as being more Godly and therefore more "worthy".
Others would counter this and say that we are judged by what we do rather than the ability to cite biblical verses or references.
According to the PM and as reported in the local press, the HRPP are all strong believers that "every calling is from God". Further, the Party prays to God to "show us the right path to take".
So let's assume that in answer to their collective prayers God sends a message (or indeed a whisper), and shows them the right path. What then happens if they dont like the answer or direction He has shown?
What if God's plan doesn't suit your own personal plan?
The country is currently facing this dilemma. It has sent a very loud message to the caretaker Government who do not seem to be reading from the same page. We are all children of God, our nation is founded on God so has God not spoken? Or do we simply pick and choose what best suits our own agenda?
God truly does work in mysterious ways.
Cover image photo credit: Office of the Electoral Commision Samoa
Va'ai Nah Folasa is a journalist for EyeSpy Radio in Samoa