Pacific Blog

WE ARE STILL HERE ANTHOLOGY - Pacific Directors: Mario Gaoa & Miki Magasiva

In order to move forward, we must first look back.

'We Are Still Here' is a unique Indigenous film that interweaves eight powerful tales to tell a sweeping story of hope and survival.  Through the eyes of eight protagonists, 'We Are Still Here' traverses 1000 years from past, present, and future to explore stories of kinship, loss, grief, and resilience.  But ultimately, it shows the strength of love and hope to overcome shared traumas that Indigenous people from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific have continued to face.

'We are Still Here' is out now in select NZ cinemas and will be released in Australia on the 16th of Feb.

We talk to two of the Pasifika directors involved with the project about their short film 'Uniform' that was part of the anthology.



What is WE ARE STILL HERE about?

WASH is a collective of 8 indigenous films.…more

Pacific Blog

The Unseen Part of a Malu Journey

I was 14 when I first dreamed of one day receiving a Malu but I never imagined the difficult journey that I would embark on.

As a teenager I told my parents and they said one day I’d be ready. 10 years later that day finally came, and I was joined by my older sister who would be my soa.

When the day came, I felt ready. Mentally I felt prepared and logistically I ticked everything off of my list. I had the ies, lega, fagu’u, falas, antiseptic cream, protex, ilis and everything I could ever imagine needing.

My sister went first and I waited for her to finish. Her Malu was beautiful and I got a preview of what was instore for me. When it was my turn I was surrounded by all my friends and family, so I felt all their love strengthen me. When I finished being ka’d (tattoed) I got up looked at my legs and it was like a dream come true. I felt relief, comfort and joy rush over me all at once.…more

Pacific Blog

Beyond Honey: The Future of Beekeeping in Samoa

WATCH 📽️ the inspiring story of R&J Honey Producer and Beekeeping Trainer, I'umalo Clayton Simamao who is going the extra mile to help create a thriving honey bee industry in Samoa.

Having trained under the most experienced Beekeepers in Samoa, the humble 31 year old continues to grow his beekeeping operation while sharing his knowledge and time with aspiring and current beekeepers.

I'umalo Clayton will be accessing grant assistance through the World Bank Pacific funded SAFPROM Matching Grant Program for a beeswax extractor and large honey extractor to help boost the production and productivity of his agri-business.



Film maker: Denisa Maňásková Photography

Writer/Producer: Liz Ah-Hi, Fine Mat Creative for the World Bank Pacific funded Samoa Agriculture and Fisheries Productivity and Marketing (SAFPROM) Project

Pacific Blog

Deceptikonz - One Time | FRISKO Interview

The Deceptikonz - Savage, Mareko, Frisko & Devolo are back and will be dropping a brand new album on Friday the 16th of December.

It will be 20 years since they first came on the scene with their debut album 'Elimination' which featured the P-Money produced classic 'Fallen Angels'. 

This video takes us behind the scenes with Daniel Maoate aka Frisko where he shares the background on his verse on their latest single 'One Time'.


Shot and edited by Dave Parker (PARKER FILMS

Pacific Blog

Pasifika Garage Stories

From our most famous artists to sports people and thriving businesses, the humble South Auckland garage has been the heartland for creating some of our biggest success stories.  Here are some of the flavours of the Pacific born and bred from the four walls of a garage ...

"We’re a tinker society with limited access to resources, our Garages become the incubation space from where we build our dreams and hatch our ideas.

They’re also transitional spaces which changes with the context, be it a meeting house for family gatherings and funerals, where we plan our weddings, it becomes a hall for a 21st.  Sleeping quarters noho Marae styles when Family pop in. It was our corporate box for the Tua fights, Manu, MMT and TOA games.

It’s where Popohardwear started in my Sister’s humble garage in Papatoetoe. Luxon ...…more

Pacific Blog

In Her Hands - Feeding the Future

Grace Malama Maselusi of Vaovai, Falealili is living proof that empowering rural women with access to finance and resources, they can help improve the livelihoods of their families and entire communities by reducing poverty, malnutrition and hunger.

📽 Watch Grace's story "In Her Hands: Feeding the Future" to see how she secured a better future for her family through farming while contributing to the increase and sustainability of nutritious vegetables in her village and district.


Film maker: Denisa Maňásková Photography 
Writer/Producer: Liz Ah-Hi, Fine Mat Creative for the World Bank Pacific funded Samoa Agriculture and Fisheries Productivity and Marketing (SAFPROM) Project

Pacific Blog

Local Hero of the Year Dave Letele needs 3,500 people for a good cause!

Dave Letele aka Brown Buttabean aka the 'New Zealand Local Hero of the Year' is teaming up with PERSOLKELLY recruitment to help drive the 3,500 'boots on the ground' needed for the 2023 Census.  

Thousands of workers are needed to help deliver the 2023 census and Dave is putting the call out to people of all ages, stages, backgrounds and ethnicities to get involved and help ensure everyone taks part, is counted and represented in the data collected.  It's particularly important our Maori and Pasifika communities are accounted for.

As someone who sees the power of community in action daily at his BBM Motivation programme, Dave Letele was compelled to get involved, encouraging New Zealanders to do their bit and apply to be a census collector.

“If we want change in our communities we first have to be seen and heard – and helping deliver the census is a great way to make sure your friends, whānau and neighbours are all counted,” says Dave.…more

Pacific Blog

Olaga a le Aiga Faigafaiva - Life of a Fisher Family in Manono Tai, Samoa

The life of Manono Island, is the sea!

In Samoa, artisanal fishers are a link to our cultural history and traditions. They face many challenges to their way of living especially due to climate change, overfishing and ocean pollution not to mention it is a risky job.

Depending on the ocean to make a living is not easy. Take a look into the world of small scale fisheries through the eyes of the Leiataua family from Manono-Tai.

Get an insight into a day in the life of this Fisher family, the challenges they overcome and risks they face to generate income while also providing food for their families and community.

Small scale Fisheries and Aquaculture are crucial to people's nutrition, food security, sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing.

This year is the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture #IYAFA2022 which aims to focus world attention on the role that small scale fishers, fish farmers and workers play in human wellbeing, food security and nutrition.…more

Pacific Blog

Rea Farms: Homegrown Sustainability

Travel to Samoa to get an insight into the incredible work of Ruta Rae-Aikin and Kelvin Bell of Faala Palauli, Savaii who built 'Rea Farms' and 'Florence's Homestay Accommodation' from the ground up over the last three years.

With funding support from the World Bank Pacific funded SAFPROM Matching Grant Program, the dynamic duo were able to expand production and increase productivity in their agribusinesses which means communities, visitors and hospitality businesses in Savaii have consistent access to fresh organic meat and vegetables.


Created with funding support from World Bank Pacific for the SAFPROM Project
Videography - Denisa Manaskova
Writer/Producer - Liz Ah Hi, Fine Mat Creative 

Pacific Blog

Vasa Gold Coast with Lapi Mariner & Viiz from Adeaze

For 22 weeks, nearly 200 young people from around the Gold Coast & Brisbane area, gave up the majority of their weekends to learn about their Samoan culture through song & dance at the largest Samoan performing arts school in Queensland - Vasa Gold Coast 

The peforming arts school group whose ages ranged from 5 - 21 years then presented a fiafia showcase at the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre on the 30th of September 2022 in front of a packed arena.  The show also featured recently crowned Miss Samoa 22/23 Haylani Pearl Kuruppu who performed a solo dance to 'Sosefina' and the taualuga at the conclusion of the performance.

We spoke to Lapi Mariner and Logovi'i Tupa'i who tutored vocals and taught the group Samoan songs, about their experience with the show and why it's important for our children to know their culture and heritage.  (Video above)

You can check out the full performance from the night below.…more