PALOLO SEASON - Pacifc people and their best palolo catch this week

Described by some as 'Manna from the Sea', 'Black Gold' and the 'Caviar of the Pacific' , the highly sought after Pacific delicacy are found in shallow coral reefs and only rise twice a year - sometimes only once!
These pacific marine 'worms' are generally reddish-brown (male) or bluish-green (female) and their mating season follows the lunar cycle which is usually the 7th night after a full moon in October. Sometimes if the mating season hasn't been fruitful the adult palolos will release another set of 'tails' in November.
The catching of the Palolo or "Ta Palolo" in Samoan has to be done in darkness (early hours of the morning) because the palolo will melt in the sunlight.
Check out how this natural phenomenon occurs in the video below -
Here's some of the photos and videos shared with us from around the Pacific during this weeks 'Ka Palolo'
Media in Samoa were also reporting that palolo prices this year were going for $30 tala for a fistful of palolo or 'ofu palolo to as high as $500 tala for a container. Radio Samoa checked out the first catch of Palolo down at the markets in Apia yesterday
Check out more photos from the Ka Palolo in Savai'i via the Samoa Observer here