Samoa hard hit by climate change super cyclone - worst floods ever seen.

A mass clean up begins today in Samoa as the country gets back on its feet after extensive flooding just before Christmas.
The severe flooding on Friday forced families to be moved into evacuation shelters as the country begins to count the cost of one of the worst floods in recent memory. A gym in Tuanaimato set up by MNRE was also set up as an evacuation shelter.
“This was the worst flooding we have ever seen in the history of Samoa” local resident Cecelia Keil says. “And so close to Christmas too. A lot of people have lost everything and nowhere to stay. There's a family of 10 now living next door to us flooded out of their home at Faatoia. It’s the worst thing to happen to people already suffering from no income this year”
This morning a massive clean continues to be underway with off duty police and low risk prisoners working hard to clear damage. Various river banks have burst in Apia, with Sheraton Aggie Greys under water once again and major damage to offices and buildings in the town area.
The Government has estimated that the total cost of damage to the country’s infrastructure, as a result of Friday's flooding, will cost "millions."
Electric Power Corporation workers have been forced to build emergency overhead power lines to reconnect the homes of families who had their electricity supply interrupted by Friday’s severe weather.
Some of the main infrastructure damaged on Friday morning included the newly constructed bridge at Moamoa, the Afega bridge and the Faleolo international airport being inundated with water, as well as extensive damage to urban and rural access roads.
The airport was closed and all flights were cancelled, including planned replacement domestic services to Savai'i to make up for cancelled ferry trips.
Follow the Land Transport Authority - Samoa FB page as well as the Disaster Management Office in Samoa on Facebook here & Twitter here for updates on where it is safe to travel and areas to avoid.