Tributes to Fa'anānā Efeso Collins

Proud Father, Loving husband and South Auckland's staunchest advocate - the loss of Fa'anānā has been felt far and wide. Hundreds of tributes have poured in from those who knew him in life and are mourning the loss of one of our pillars in the Pasifika Communities. Here are some of the beautiful thoughts expressed by people from all different sectors of society, as we honour Fa’anānā’s legacy to us:
Mariner Fagaiava
Aigagalefili Fepulea'i-Tupua'i
Falaniko Tomoniko II - Samoan Educator
Fa'anānā Efeso Collins, you always made time for everyone. Everyone who knew you felt like you were their best friend in the world, myself included! The only thing bigger than your smile, your personality, your intelligence and your star was your love for Fia Collins and your girls, your family and your Pacific people. My love and prayers go out to all of you at this time. Brother, over the years, I have admired you for your many talents but the one that stands out for me is your gift of oratory, and the mic was indeed an extension of your body. When you spoke, people listened, laughed, cheered, cried. Who was to know that your maiden speech last week was to also be your swan song. Aotearoa only got to see a snippet of what you were destined to become, but nonetheless, your voice, your mana, your love, your legacy will always live on! There will never be another Efeso Collins! Gone too soon my friend. Ia tafimala lau faigamalaga Fa'anana
Carmel Sepuloni

Indira Stewart

Karlo Mila
Efeso we loved on you today, celebrated you, felt you, spoke of your legacy, wept over our loss. Your words were up on our PowerPoint, and we closed, speaking into what we felt was your vision from the maunga. I’m so sorry that at times it must have been lonely up there, even with Fia at your side and your girls always within your reach. May we dream a better world for them just as hard as you did. There were many who shared some of your traits, but no one - and I mean no one - with your courage. Even without a massive machinery of red standing behind you, you were the peoples’ choice, and I for one, was proud of the Green light that got you in. So much love and respect for the brilliant, dazzling, peaceful fight. You came to offer help, you said - literally last week. I am still WTF-ing. Son of Ōtara… such a heavy, heavy loss for our community and for our country kātoa.
Pakilau Manase Lua
Mapaki e fa ka oku ne kei ‘alaha pe… although the pandanus fruit has split it’s fragrance lingers on. Rest in peace Afioga Fa’anana Efeso Collins, moe mai ra e Rangatira, manuia lau malaga, toka a koe ihe nonga mo e fiemalie ‘ae Otua
Emmaline Pickering-Martin
Coconet TV
The Coconet TV team take on the legacy of Fa’anana in putting our stories in spaces where they haven’t been heard, in supporting our communities and the voices of our young Pasifika majority. Manuia lou malaga Fa’anana and thank you for your tautua which we will all honour for our future.