Coco News

Cannabis Legalisation & Control | RNZ & PMN Debate

The RNZ & PMN Debate on Cannabis Legislation & Control Hosted by Māni Dunlop.

Guests are: Emmaline Pickering-Martin (Fijian born) a teacher, writer, academic, māmā and self proclaimed Hard Westie. Reverend Dr Hirini Kaa - kaiārahi at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Arts. Jessikha Leathem-Vlasic from Māori public health provider Hapai Te Hauora. And Ana Ika (Tongan heritage) a social policy analyst and advocate for the Salvation Army.

Coco News


By Taualofa Totua for Radio New Zealand 

OPINION - Pacific Climate Warriors Aotearoa are running an online campaign called Pacific Votes Count, encouraging Pacific communities across the country to recognise the importance of their votes.

The campaign has urged Pacific communities to enrol to vote and to participate in the Pacific Votes Count Survey.

So far, more than 500 people have shared what is important to them.

Warm and affordable housing, quality healthcare and fair wages were the top priorities.

It is seriously concerning that the most pressing topics are basic human rights.

Pacific Climate Warriors has facilitated discussion on these issues and the significance of Pacific votes through the online Talanoa Series.

Pacific panelist Dr Colin Tukuitonga shared key insights in a recent Talanoa, Voting For Our Future.

“We can be quiet and compliant as a community sometimes; we tolerate things that we shouldn’t," Tukuitonga said.

"The important thing is... people are questioning the value of their vote. In other words - what’s important to you? Everyone will be different,” he said.…more


Three Pasifika players make All Blacks Debut on Sunday

Meet All Blacks debutants Hoskins Sotutu, Caleb Clarke and Tupou Va'ai ahead of the opening Bledisloe Cup Test for 2020.

Hoskins Sotutu (Fijian) son of former son of Blues and Fijian rugby player Waisake Sotutu

Caleb Clarke (Samoan) son of former Blues and All Blacks centre Eroni Clarke 

Tupou Va'ai (Tongan) is a former Wesley College prefect and is the first player born in the 2000s to be named an All Black.

Coco News

Brown Pride - Island Style Lunch

Housing and Poverty are two of the most pressing issues for New Zealanders.  According to a 2013 census analysis some 40,000 people in New Zealand are either homeless or living in substandard housing. 

Johnnie Timu from Brown Pride believes that us as the Pasifika Community should be doing more, so that’s exactly what he and his Brown Pride Community are doing. 

This Saturday on WORLD HOMELESS DAY, Brown Pride will be hosting it’s first ever “Island Style Lunch” a toonai style menu with Taro, Raw fish etc for the unhomed brothers and sisters in the community.

We asked Johnnie how they came up with the Island Style Initiative;

“We've been blessed to have crossed paths and worked alongside charity directors like Danielle from Sunday Blessing and Eddie from Orange Sky. Danielle and her Sunday Blessings team host free meals in the CBD on Tuesdays and Sundays. She brought up World Homeless Day to our attention.…more

Humans of the Islands


Dahlia Malaeulu  

Author and Educator 



I am Samoan, born in Wellington, Aotearoa, New Zealand. I have connections to the villages of Sinamoga and Vaivase tai in Samoa through my parents Malo and Lagi Gray. I was raised and currently live in Wainuiomata, the biggest suburb in the Hutt Valley with a heart to match. Happily married to Mani Malaeulu, my favourite job in the world is being the proud mother of our two young boys, Mason and Isaia. I am a passionate educator at heart, which is at the centre of everything I do. I currently teach part-time, facilitate professional development workshops for schools and early childhood centres as well as author online articles and Pasifika children’s books.

What were the pathways that led you to what you are doing now? 

I had great teachers growing up and always wanted to teach. A classroom and senior teacher at Wainuiomata Intermediate School for 12 years, I loved enabling tamaiti to confidently and proudly succeed as Pasifika.…more

Coco News

Considering the impact of the Cannabis Legislation and Control Bill

On Election Day, 17 October 2020, Aotearoa/New Zealand will elect new political leaders for our country. New Zealanders will also be asked to vote on whether recreational use of cannabis should become legal and the End of Life Choice Act 2019.

The proposed Cannabis Legislation and Control Bill sets out a way for the Government to control and regulate cannabis. This regulatory model covers how people can produce, supply, or consume cannabis. The Bill's main purpose is to reduce cannabis-related harm to individuals, families/whānau and communities.

Most New Zealanders try cannabis at some point and 15% of adults reported using cannabis at least once in the past year (2018/19 Office of The Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor). Young people are the biggest users with 29% reporting past-year use (ages 15-24, 2018/19).

Our current law prohibits the use of cannabis except in certain situations such as medical use for selected conditions. The threat of arrest or conviction is intended to put people off using cannabis, therefore avoiding any associated social or health problems.…more

Coco News

Multi-award-winning Samoan Production 'Talofa Papa' Goes Digital

After delighting audiences at Measina Festival, NZ Fringe Festival, Kia Mau Festival, FRINGE WORLD Festival in Perth, Adelaide Fringe Festival and Basement Theatre in Auckland, Talofa Papa is returning to Wellington as part of the 2020 New Zealand Improv Festival.

For the first time, Talofa Papa will be hitting the stage and your screens at the same time, by live streaming the one-night-only, already sold out production, straight from BATS Theatre.

Written and performed by Kasiano Mita (Most Outstanding Performer, NZ Fringe 2018), Papa takes you on a journey with your grandparents in the comfort of your jandals. Expertly shaping the audience's story using Samoan culture, audience interaction and mischief, Papa takes you by the hand and transports you to a world of kindness and compassion.

Talofa Papa has been a crowd favourite in many festivals, with multiple sold out seasons, and has managed to scoop up four awards and three other nominations along the way.…more

Coco News


Story collated and written by Haitelenisia Afemui ‘Uhila Angilau for her 'Ordinary Tongan Lives' facebook page

“In life we expect children to bury their parents, not the other way around. On April 10th, I lost my daughter then I lost my son on May 10th. My daughter gave birth to a child who died at birth. The doctors waited for her to wake up so she could kiss her child goodbye. But she didn’t. I watched her depart on the phone. As soon as her death was confirmed, I was unconscious. Physically, my body couldn’t hold up. I was rushed to the hospital and didn’t wake up until hours later after IV injections. Then I was hospitalized for 2 weeks before I came home.

I was still recovering from that when I was called to the hospital again. This time was for my son Hari. Knowing what happened last time, I didn’t go right away until I felt strong enough. When I saw and kissed him at the hospital on the 9th, I was confident he’ll make it.…more

Coco News

ELECTION 2020 | RNZ & PMN Pasifika Issues Debate

RNZ's Indira Stewart and PMN's Petrina Hall host the Pasifika Issues debate.

Debate candidates are Aupito William Sio (Labour), Agnes Loheni (National), Luella Linaker (Independent) and Lourdes Vano (Green Party).

Coco News

Celebrating the winners of the 2020 Pacific Music Awards

Despite delays and challenges created by COVID-19, the Pacific music community celebrated another year of outstanding music at the 16th annual Pacific Music Awards. The event was pre-recorded due to COVID-19 restrictions and aired as an online presentation this evening.

The big winners were Elijah Manu and Albert Purcell – better known as dynamic Auckland hip hop duo Church & AP. 

The two talented rappers won FLAVA Best Pacific Group, Base FM NZ & Island Base Samoa Best Pacific Hip Hop Artist after the release of their debut album Teeth, and NZ On Air Radio Airplay Award for their single “Ready or Not”. Dera Meelan also took out Red Bull Best Producer for his work on the album.…more