Coco News

BRUTAL LIVES - MO'UI FAINGATA'A with Director Vela Manusaute

We talk to Director Vela Manusaute about "Brutal Lives - Mo'ui Faingata'a" a new Tongan language drama series coming to the CoconetTV in August.  

What is Brutal Lives - Mo'ui Faingata'a about?
Brutal Lives - Mo'ui Faingata'a is a new pacific (Tongan) bilingual drama set in South Auckland about a fallen boxing champion who returns home after twenty years when his father dies.   He must face his three children that he left behind, especially his daughter, Lupe.  At the same time, an ancient Tongan spirit warrior seeks revenge for the sins of the Valu family actions over five hundred years ago.  

How did you come across the story and what made you want to make it?
The story and the idea is drawn from our own experiences and cultures—for me, it's my love of Pacific boxing and Pacific stories.  Sandra (Producer) was inspired by stories from her village, Kolonga in Tonga and a desire to see more Tongan stories on screen and in the Tongan language.…more


Auckland teen Jawsh 685 is #1 on the iTunes chart

From RNZ Music 

'Local teen producer Jawsh 685 speaks to Music 101's Charlotte Ryan about the success of his song 'Laxed (Siren Beat)' and his collaboration with global superstar Jason Derulo.

Listen to the full interview here 

Jawsh 685 is 17-year-old musician and producer Joshua Stylah from Auckland's Manurewa. You've probably heard his island-infused dance track ‘Laxed (Siren Beat)’, even though you might not know it.

The track's been used in over 30 million TikTok creations in just a few weeks. Celebrities such as Lizzo, Jimmy Fallon and Jessica Alba have all posted their own take on the dance challenge that features the track.

And pop superstar Jason Derulo used the beat on his worldwide smash 'Savage Love', which sat at the top of the global iTunes chart over the weekend.

Manurewa High student Jawsh says he only started making music on his computer in February last year, and his chart-topping tune was made in his tiny bedroom.

"I loved it. I loved making it. I made it for people to blast it on sirens and have fun.…more

Coco News

Putting the microscope on Pacific workers’ scheme media coverage

A study of the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme has raised questions of how Pacific workers are portrayed in New Zealand regional media.

Dr Angie Enoka’s PhD in Media Studies examined media coverage of the New Zealand government’s RSE scheme, a policy which allows the horticulture and viticulture industries to recruit workers from overseas for seasonal work.

The RSE scheme began in 2007 with a cap of 5,000 workers from five eligible Pacific nations, and despite fluctuations in local unemployment, has grown every year since. Today, that annual number as almost tripled to a current cap of 14,400 workers from nine Pacific nations.

 Dr Enoka studied newspaper coverage of the scheme during its first five years while Pacific RSE workers were living in regional communities.…more



It's a bit of a grand feat to pull off a surprise wedding especially when you're an islander with island families but that's exactly what Adeaze's Nainz & his wife to be, Becs, managed to do before lockdown!

Check out how they were able to pull it off with the help of Tone6 here!



Director - Shimpal Lelisi 

Editor - Tuki Laumea 

Camera Operators - Fa'anati Mamea, Adrian Mcbirney & Sapati Apa 

Sound Operator - Marcus Lawson 


SEE BTS - Down By the River

Go behind the scenes with Jason Momoa shooting season 1 of the AppleTV series SEE 

Production of Season 2 was stopped due to the Covid19 pandemic but filming is set to restart at some stage this year. 


Run it Straight with Nate Nauer - Episode 4: Dre Skrila

Nate sits down with comedian and digital content creator Dre Skrila.

He shares his life journey from dealing drugs, serving time and then turning his life around - a true redemption story

Coco News

Health disparities in Samoa drove me to become a doctor

Twenty-eight-year-old Mosana Evagelia grew up in Samoa and recalls her experience volunteering in the hospitals that peaked her interest in a career in medicine.

“I would have been16-years-old at the time and I volunteered in our local hospital during the holidays. I remember realising that most of the doctors working there weren’t even Samoan, they were American or Filipino. I would usually have to translate between the doctors and patients.”

Evagelia says she witnessed a lot of health disparities in children and when her younger sister got sick with rheumatic fever which progressed as rheumatic heart disease she knew a career in medicine would allow her to work and improve health care for Pacific people.  Before coming to New Zealand, Evagelia completed a degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the Chaminade University of Honolulu. However, given the expense of education in the USA she decided to further her study and pursue her dream in New Zealand.

In 2019, Evagelia was a recipient of the Pasifika Medical Association’s Papali’i Dr Semisi Ma’ia’i University of Otago Scholarship.…more


Pasifika People for Black Lives Matter

Pacific people around the world have come out in strong support against police violence and discrimination of Black Americans after the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. 

Here are some moments from the #BlackLivesMatter march in Auckland where Pasifika people share about why they are passionate about putting their voices behind this anti racism cause. 




Camera Operators - Fa'anati Mamea & Sapati Apa 

Sound Operator - Fa'anati Mamea 

Editor - Sefa Taouma 


Run it Straight with Nate Nauer - Episode 3: Joe Daymond

Nate sits down with up & coming NZ comedy superstar, Fiji/Maori and proud Welly boy 'Joe Daymond' 

They discuss their careers, family, Pacific backgrounds, parenting, opening up and reaching out as Pasifika men + much more.

Coco News

First Samoan fa’afafine at Massey University to receive a PhD in Media Studies

On June 24, Angie Enoka will become the first Samoan fa’afafine to graduate with a Doctor of Philosophy in Media Studies at Massey University. Ms Enoka hopes that her academic success will encourage other fa’afafine to look at education as a career option and hopes more Pacific people take on postgraduate studies.

“When you grow up in the Islands, there's such limited opportunity with lots of competition because it's your only window to the world. When you’ve finally made it, it's a never-ending world of learning and you feel that it's never enough,” she says of her lengthy academic journey.

Ms Enoka, whose research focused on the portrayal of Pacific Island seasonal workers by the New Zealand media, will be among a few that will be ratified as a PhD ‘In Council’ at a meeting of the Massey University Council.…more