
Va'aiga Tuigamala Highlights

Today the Pacific and Rugby community mourn the passing of the legendary Va'aiga Tuigamala. We look back at the incredible life he lived and the career path he blazed. 

Va'aiga Lealuga Tuigamala, also known as Inga, was a professional rugby union and rugby league player. Born in Samoa, he represented New Zealand in rugby union, winning 19 caps, and later Samoa in both rugby league and rugby union. He played in one rugby league and two rugby union World Cups.

Coco News

The Southern Cross cable that connects Tonga to the outside world is fixed

via Radio New Zealand 

The Southern Cross Cable cut during the volcanic eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai and subsequent tsunami last month has been finally repaired.

Tonga Cable Limited chair Samuiela Fonua confirmed that the cable was restored and handed over to his company just before midday today.

He said he was very pleased to get the restored cable which resumes Tonga's phone and internet fully today after they had limited internet for a month.

"We just had a long meeting with the cable repair team, we are preparing a presentation to the Prime Minster of Tonga tomorrow," he said.

"It is all done now, the cable was handed over to us this morning just before noon, now it's with the ISPs (Internet Service Providers)."

The cable repair ship Reliance took 20-days to repair the fibre-optic cable and finally handed it over after 24-hours of testing yesterday.…more


Don't Be Afraid To Be YOU | Akanuanua Podcast

Welcome to the Akanuanua Podcast! A space to unpack what its like being a part of the ever-evolving MVPFAFF Queer Pasifika community.

The Talanoa is guided by our host, Doron Semu. He is an ‘afakasi Samoan siapo maker, acupuncturist and community advocate raised in Tamaki Makaurau,  Aotearoa. His most recent interview with Tagata Pasifika on conversion therapy has  opened conversations within the pasifika  religious community about the treatment  of the LGBTQIA+ community. He has been  a guest on podcasts such as ‘A thoughtful  faith’ and ‘Malaga’. Over summer, he held  community workshops with support with  from Rainbow Youth for the queer Pasifika  and Maori community.  

In this episode of Akanuanua our host Doran sits down today with Bianca Hope Dawson Puia.

She is a trans woman who, with the support of her family, is undertaking gender-affirming surgery. While at High School, Bianca challenged her school and principal by working with her local MP to allow her and other gender diverse students to wear the school uniform that best reflects their identity. Bianca is breathtaking, bold and brave.…more

Coco News

Government ensures extra support for Māori and Pacific Omicron response

Extra support is being made available to Māori and Pacific communities as they continue to face the impact of the current Omicron outbreak.

This is in addition to the Care in the Community boost the Government announced last week to help all families who need to self-isolate as well as the social service organisations and community providers working hard to support them.

“We know Omicron is likely to disproportionately affect Māori and Pasifika communities and the Government is committed to making sure vulnerable whanau received the support and care they deserve,” Minister for Whanau Ora and Associate Minister of Health Peeni Henare said.

“With Omicron cases increasing it is important whānau have the support they need to self-isolate and stop the spread of the virus."

Using the $140 million funding, 160 Māori and Pacific health providers will together support Māori and Pacific households throughout Aotearoa.…more


'I GOT YOU' vertical comedy series

If you have a spare 4 lots of minute to spare, then satisfy your romantic fix with 'I GOT YOU', a brand new snackable Vertical Comedy series which has been released on Instagram Reels, TIKTOK and Youtube from the team who brought you 'Three Wise Cousins', 'Hibiscus & Ruthless', 'Take Home Pay' & 'Mama's Music Box'.

Click through to watch on your preferred platform below - 

Mac, played by rising star comedian Sieni Leo'o Olo aka Bubbah aka King Ulavale has a side hustle dishing out relationship advice; despite never being in a relationship herself.  Mac's advice is a blend of 'run it straight' and 'cheesy romantic'.  

We caught up with the shows producer Abba-Rose Vaiaoga-Ioasa to find out a bit more about the show and how they found filming in a vertical format.

What gave you the idea for the concept or premise of the series? 

"The idea grew from thinking about side hustles - what type of side hustle could someone come up with, when they have no start-up capital.…more

Coco News

The latest Covid-19 stories in the Pacific - 21 Feb 22

via Radio New Zealand   

A quick round-up of the latest Covid news in the Pacific region from the last couple of days. 

Cook Islands 4th positive case confirmed 

via Covid19 Cook Islands response 

The Cook Islands is reporting a fourth person who has tested positive for Covid-19.

The case is a New Zealand-based Cook Islander who arrived in Rarotonga for a family funeral on February 15 on-board an Air NZ flight.  Health Ministry Te Marae Ora (TMO) confirmed the case tested positive on Thursday from a sibling who had tested positive in New Zealand.

The positive case and 3 of the adults are fully vaccinated, with the young contact with their first vaccine dose.  An additional 16 close contacts have been identified, connected through the family funeral the case attended on Wednesday.

Due to the new positive case, the Cook Islands government has announced an extension to their suspension of passenger travel to the rest of the Pa Enua (other islands) to midnight of February 23.…more

Coco News

Pacific MPs Come Together to Ban Conversion Therapy

by Shaneel Lal

I was born in Vakasalewalewa and Hijra in Fiji, a colonised Christian Island. My community knew I was queer before I did; I carried myself in the fashion of a woman. My community was given a choice between the church and their child. I wish they had seen the broken heart of a child and chosen me. I cannot describe the excruciating pain a child feels when they are rejected by the only people they've ever known and loved. 

After five long years of activism, New Zealand banned conversion therapy on the 15th of February. I will always remember this day as a win for indigenous peoples. Before colonisation, queer people were integral to indigenous communities, playing a role in raising children, cleaning the house, caring for the elders, and doing things indigenous peoples relied upon to survive.…more


Every Section Of My Life Is Queer | Akanuanua Podcast


Welcome to the Akanuanua Podcast! A space to unpack what its like being a part of the ever-evolving MVPFAFF Queer Pasifika community.

The Talanoa is guided by our host, Doron Semu. He is an ‘afakasi Samoan siapo maker, acupuncturist and community advocate raised in Tamaki Makaurau,  Aotearoa. His most recent interview with Tagata Pasifika on conversion therapy has  opened conversations within the pasifika  religious community about the treatment  of the LGBTQIA+ community. He has been  a guest on podcasts such as ‘A thoughtful  faith’ and ‘Malaga’. Over summer, he held  community workshops with support with  from Rainbow Youth for the queer Pasifika  and Maori community.  

In this episode Kitty Wasasala speaks to her longtime friend Doron about her life experiences as a Queer person, her relatioship with Karangahape Road and more.

Kitty is a Lesbian actor, activist, florist, and freelancer. Kitty does works with the Auckland Central Greens and is actively trying to make political spaces Rainbow and POC friendly, as historically, there hasn’t been space for our communities.…more


Families of Manu Samoa 7s players rally behind sons

via Radio New Zealand 

Families of Manu Samoa players rally behind their sons.

Allegations of bullying and mistreatment were detailed in a letter sent by the Manu Samoa Sevens Team to the Pacific Rugby Players Association.

The families' spokeman, Henry Gray, told Radio Polynesia the details of the allegations. He said that the examples of bullying provided by the team were very hard for the players' family members to read.

Lakapi Samoa CEO, Faleomavaega Vincent Fepulea'i, said that it is conducting its own investigation and a sub-committee has been appointed to investigate the matter and report back urgently.

"I watch and wait to see the outcome of the investigation by PRP along with the Lakapi Samoa subcommittee. Personally, I have highlighted my own concerns directly with management on a few occasions," Gray said.

"As a concerned parent, we await with anticipation the outcome of the investigations. Until then, we continue to uplift our Manu Samoa 7's team in prayer, especially the players, our sons" he said.…more



Inside the Grind host Serafina Maulupe caught up with Hollywood actor and award winning stuntman, Tanoa'i Reed last year while he was shooting 'Red Notice' with Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot & Ryan Reynolds.

Tanoa'i resides in Honolulu, Hawaii and is of Samoan heritage.  He is the cousin and stunt double of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson!

A few days ago, he started his tatau journey with renowned tufuga/tattooist Li'aifaiva Levi and has been sharing clips of his journey on his Instagram and Facebook pages.

He has been supported by many friends and family along the way and yesterday the Common Kings boys came through in support, performing songs and music.