Pacific Blog

#OPINION - Office of the Electoral Commission Samoa & Ongoing Reform

By Vaai Nah Folasa

As I have written before, there are a number of lessons arising from our recent general election.

The OEC has done an amazing job in accommodating special voters, counting and re-checking every individual vote and has done so professionally, with thoroughness and efficiency. But can we make the process more efficient? Are there areas needing further reform? Here are a few ideas.

1. Voting does not decide the winner.  In the lead up to the election there were numerous changes to the electoral system, to constituency boundaries and even to eligibility criteria. Voters were made to register for their appropriate seat and new electoral rolls finalized. Yet in spite of all these changes to close loop-holes why is it that the Court becomes the final arbiter?

2. Bribery - The Art of Giving and Taking.  Even before the final votes were tallied both parties were jostling to lodge challenges of bribery and treating. Knowledge of this appears to be wide spread and even acceptable to some degree.…more


Tokelauan Fishing Quest feeds the Village

By RNZ Pacific Correspondent in Tokelau, Elena Pasilio

In the remote Tokelau atolls, where the culture is family oriented, everyone plays a role in looking after the community through traditions like Faiva Fakamua.

Faiva Fakamua is a Tokelauan fishing quest. Village fishermen set out together in search of a catch for their whole community to share. Any fish caught are distributed, via the unique inati system, amongst all the villagers. The Faiva Fakamua tradition sees the men and boys of the island, the lima malohi o te fenua (strength of the land), combine their efforts to feed the village from their catch. This longstanding tradition has been preserved through generations by the elders, and is considered an important part of Tokelauan culture.

Lui Tumua, 31, who was raised in Nukunonu, will bring up his son with these traditions the same way he was. "Each family has their own fishing methods and traditional knowledge, passed down from their forefathers.…more

Coco News

8 Pacific Earth Guardians You Should Know

Pacific people have been resilient ocean and land guardians for centuries. Woven throughout all the different cultures of Oceania, there is one common strand and that is the strong relationship Pacific communities have with creation. The following 8 Guardians are all names you should know as they've dedicated their lives to conserving and preserving the planet. 

1. Yolanda Joab-Mori, Federated States of Micronesia

Yolanda is a climate activist, environmental leader, and most importantly a mother. In 2011 Yolanda co-created the first climate change focused education program in schools and communities across Micronesia. The program, CADRE worked with over 10,000 students and 3,000 community members across the Micronesian islands to raise awareness on the impacts of climate change. Yolanda also founded Island PRIDE (Promoting Resilience through Involvement, Development & Education) to continue this work to empower her islands in the face of climate change by engaging youth to be proactive stewards of their island environment.


Pacific Blog


By Vaai Nah Folasa

More than a week after the general election and Samoa is no closer to knowing who will govern us for the next 5 years.  Last night it was announced that an additional seat would be added to Parliament to meet Samoa's minimum quota for female candidates. An HRPP candidate had been appointed to make up the apparent shortfall.  This morning Tuala Tevaga Iosefo Ponifasio (pictured above - photo credit Samoa Observer) announced his decision to join the FAST party which means there's still a 26/26 tie.

The OEC has done an amazing job in accommodating special voters, counting and re-checking every individual vote and has done so with thoroughness and efficiency. But still there is no outright winner.

So at this point, what do we know?

1. The electoral process remains faulty. In the lead up to the election there were numerous changes to the electoral system, to constituency boundaries and even to eligibility criteria.…more


Samoan Penrith Panthers boys take on a Boyz II Men classic | NRL on Nine

Samoan Panthers Panthers boys Brian To'o, Jarome Luai & Stephen Crichton have a go at performing one of Boyz II Men's hit classics in this hilarious lipsync video. 

They then have a go at singing the song live on NRL Live after they took on the Broncos on Saturday night.

Pacific Blog


By Va'ai Nah Folasa

Samoa's 2021 will go down in history as a true game changer.

The official results have the two major parties each with 25 seats and an Independent candidate may yet hold the balance of power.

It is expected that there will be a flurry of legal challenges. Leaders of both parties have indicated this. Ultimately it will be the Court who is the final arbiter.
Regardless of the final tally, Samoa's political landscape has changed forever.

It is clear that after some 40 years in power the HRPP no longer have ultimate and unfettered control in parliament.  Whether voters were expressing outright dissatisfaction or whether they just believed it was time for a change remains to be seen.

It is also evident that Samoa is more than happy to be led by a woman. Fiame Naomi Mataafa held her seat at Lotofaga uncontested and went on to become leader of  the new FAST party.…more

Humans of the Islands



Competitive Surfer 

Samoan / French 


My name is Lucy Mata’utia Jarrard. I’m a 19 year old competitive surfer from Carlsbad, California, but currently live in Oahu, Hawaii. In addition to my passion for surfing, I also enjoy activities such as hiking, skating, and sewing.  My pacific heritage is Samoan and French. My mother is Samoan while my father is French. 

You're the first Samoan female surfer to represent American Samoa Surfing Association - tell us how you got into surfing and how long you've been competing for.

I originally come from a water family, so all of our weekends and days off were spent together at the beach surfing and hanging out. It’s funny though because I actually didn’t even really like the beach. I think I was about three when I first started surfing, but I didn’t start enjoying it until I was about eight. My first contest was a Volcom series at about nine.…more

Coco News

Toa Fraser's private battle and public triumphs

Toa Fraser - on a battle with disease and knowing what’s important. 

Fijian / Samoan Toa Fraser is one of Aotearoa’s most prolific film directors, with a huge raft of incredibly varied feature film works, documentaries and tv drama series. He’s also one of the most undercover, in his professional and personal life - until an extraordinarily brave message on social media this week told the world of this struggle of the early onset of Parkinson’s. 

“People used to say I look cool. These days, people ask me why I look so serious. Mine is one of the many of faces of Young Onset Parkinson’s, an (as yet) incurable brain disease. I was diagnosed five years ago. I've kept it quiet until today..

It hasn’t been easy. It’s hard on relationships, it’s hard on my kids. Those closest to me have been unfaltering, discrete and kind. I’ve also learned not everybody can come on this journey with me. For the last five years I’ve kept it quiet. Buried it as much as I could.

But now I’m sick of hiding.…more

Coco News

"Our Classmate Clarah" | Student with Cerebral Palsy steals the show at Polyfest

On the morning of the last day of Polyfest 2020 was a performance that touched the crowd. It came from the Marcellin College Samoan group that had a star among them.

During Marcellin’s performance, there was an extremely special part that stood out. The students parted their dance formation down the middle and made way for their classmate Clarah Tuimavave-Gerrard. Her classmates made their version of a runway on stage, and down walked Clarah. She bowed to the crowd and began to Siva (dance). The audience went wild in cheer and her fellow classmates began singing even louder for their peer.

Clarah, also known to some of her friends as “Lala”, has cerebral palsy. A congenital disorder of movement, muscle tone, and posture. Although this condition can hold many challenges, there are tenacious people in the world who live loudly and proudly whilst navigating all the difficulties that come along with it. This special group of the community chooses to flaunt their abilities and what they are able to do instead of focusing on what they can't.…more


New Zealand Rugby announces Pacific teams to join Super Rugby Competition

Via RNZ Pacific 

Moana Pasifika and Fijian Drua have been granted conditional licences to join a planned new professional competition next year, New Zealand Rugby has announced.

NZR Pasifika Engagement Manager Saveatama Eroni Clarke, NZR board member Sir Michael Jones, Moana Pasifika Steering Committee co-chair Pelenato Sakalia and Former All Black Sir Bryan George 'BeeGee' Williams announced the move at 2pm this afternoon.

Moana Pasifika is a combined Samoa and Tonga side and is likely to be based in South Auckland, while the Fiji side is set to be based in Suva.

In November, Fijian Drua and Moana Pasifika were announced as New Zealand Rugby's preferred partners to join an expanded 12-team competition subject to a range of conditions, mostly financial, to show that they were capable of funding each franchise to the tune of $10 million a year.

World Rugby last month committed $7 million in funding over the next three years to help fund the two Pacific Islands teams.…more