In preparation for the big game tomorrow night, we've put together 10 tips for the 'Toa Samoa' & 'Mate Ma'a Tonga' fans who are heading in to support their teams ...
SAMOA - By Mario Faumui
* Bring a helmet, a shield, a bulletproof vest…
And the real tips start now:
1. Get your dance moves ready for those spontaneous dance battles with the aunties around the stadium - let's be real - the Tongans don't play around when it comes to cutting a fala!
2. Learn the words to your National Anthem - You don’t wanna be that guy who knows all the words to Bodak Yellow but can’t remember the 1st verse of your National Anthem!
Lucky God said, let there be The Coconet TV so you can learn your words - Samoan National Anthem here & Tongan National Anthem here
3. Even though it’s a dress up thing please ..... NZ weather is still 3 months behind - It ain’t that hot so there’s no need for you to be having ya bum cheeks hanging out! Save that for Little Easy next week!
4. Leave your gang signs for your garage selfies - When a camera lands on you while in the stands, give us a nice smile, a wave and if you're cute .…. flash us your instagram username.
5. At the end of the day, brotherhood wins! We’re all cut from the same tapa cloth and after a week of rage let’s celebrate our love for the game with open arms and not clenched fists…and maybe a Family Feast x 2 after the game.
1. Red or blue - Don’t turn up to the game wearing both colours because you’re a bandwagoner. Pick one. (& If you’re both Samoan and Tongan, wear black. You now support the Kiwi’s).
2. Take it easy - Leave the physical battle to the players on the field. Wear your country colours with pride and leave the bandanas at home. This is not a bloods vs. crips battle. Don’t fight!
3. Eat first - Eat before you attend the game. The food they sell at the stadium may taste nice but it can be very expensive too.
4. Clothes on - Don’t streak. They’ll fine you $5000 and you can’t afford that.
5. Positive pride - Sing, support and cheer positively.