Teine Sāvage (Parody) | Fresh Funnies
Teine Sā is an ancient spirit that comes to teach girls lessons.
She can be summoned by brushing your hair in the mirror at night, so no young Samoan girl is allowed to do so. One night Elena forgets this and accidentality brings Teine Sā to life but instead of scaring Elena.... Elena scares Teine Sā in her messy post-breakup state. So the aitu takes pity on Elena and decides to help her.
Fresh Funnies is a comedy sketch segment that brings you parodies of situations you always wondered about, like what it would be like to join a Plastic Islander Support Group or pretend to be your dad on the phone.
Watch the Teine Sā Drama Series here to observe the Teine Sā story from another point of view: