Legend of Tokamotu of Tuapa
There is a lesson to be learnt about the power held in sacred objects, and the trust bestowed upon their protectors.... By the light of a fire in a cool dark cave, listen closely as the Orator shares an ancient tale of how one such talisman or "Tokamotu" changed the course of history for two warring tribes of Niue.
The Legend of Telesa
Ever been told to cover the mirror up at night? Or comb your hair in the moonlight? this is in case you attract or offend the Teine Sa.. They are beautiful and fearsome in equal measure, they are the spirit women who wander the villages of Samoa guarding different villages..one of the most well known is Telesa the aiku goddess of Lepea in Upolu. In Samoa, your hair, flowing, waving and weaving, becomes alive with magic in the moonlight.... Beware the power of your hair and beware the flaunting of it, lest the fury of the Teine Sa is invoked. #PacificLegends #Samoa #Moonlight #Curse #Hair
The Story of the Fo'ui Tree - Tonga
A little history lesson on the Fo'ui Tree and the tomb of Queen Talafaiva on Euakafa Island, Tonga, as told by 'Ofa, the kayak guide. Read more about this myth from the Kingdom of Tonga here!
Marks of Mana - The Legend of Tatau
'Marks of Mana' an exploration of the stories of tatau for women in the Pacific. Coming soon to the Coconet TV.
The Legend of Kava Tonga
The legend of Kava Tonga has come to life. In a harrowing story of love, loyalty and sacrifice, this short film gives you an insight into the importance of Kava to the Tongan culture. Shot in Tonga in with all local actors The Legend of Kava Tonga was made as part of a project Digital Fananga by Malosi Pictures 2015.
See this new re-telling of the legend of 'Aho'eitu - the first of the Tu'i Tonga dynasty to rule over Tonga. Born to a mortal mother and the God Tangaloa, 'Aho'eitu goes in search for his father - but doesn't count on the dealings of his brothers when they meet. Shot in Tonga in with all local actors 'Aho'eitu was made as part of a project Digital Fananga by Malosi Pictures 2015.