Te Maeva Nui NZ 2021 - Te Ulu o te Watu: Imene Tuki
Te Ulu O Te Watu’s Imene Tuki is composed by Tauti Timoti and based on the events of 2020, a Pandemic that has spread world wide.
Never before have we faced such a devastating disease such as this. bringing disbelief, panic and uncertainty to all those unfortunate to have encountered it: Because of
this, words not normally used have been introduced into everyday conversations such as Level 1 to Level 4, Lockdown, isolation periods and Vaccine.
Stretching from country to country, from coast to coast, the invisible threat moves with such unbelievable speed and veracity from family to family taking lives without warning, moving swiftly, silently unnoticed until it has taken a loved one.
The uncertainty of the Pandemic transmission has touched all areas of everyday life within the workplace: families, friends and communities and being able to cope with enforced restrictions places a heavy burden on us all emotionally. Resilience is what lies ahead for us all.
Today, gives us the ability to endure.