Te Maeva Nui NZ 2021 - Vaka Te au o Tonga: Imene Tuki
Vaka Teauotonga perform their imene tuki at the 2021 Te Maeva Nui NZ festival.
It is titled “Te kimi nei i tetai akairo” composed by Te Kau Taunga Tumukorero o Teauotonga.
This is what their imene tuki is about - Mathews 12 speaks of the confrontation between the Jewish leaders and Jesus which came a head with their accusing Jesus of doing his works by Satan’s power, and his warning them of the unpardonable sin. The point that Jesus was making was that the Kingdom of Heaven had come and that they were going to be excluded if they persisted in their rejection of Him.
This warning troubled the Pharisees and Scribes, the Jewish leaders, but they were still not convinced that he was the Messiah. So they demanded a sign from Him. And that is really what this whole chapter is about where Jesus condemns the Jewish leaders for their rejection of him by demanding a sign from him to prove that he was the true Messiah.
And Mathew draws a comparison between the Prophet Jonah who spent three days and three nights in the belly of a big fish and Jesus who will spend three nights and three days in the belly of the earth but will rise again on the third day. Jonah was at the door of death but God kept him alive so why would the men of Nineveh stand up with the judgement of this generation and condemn it, and they repented at the preaching of Jonah and yet the Messiah is far greater than him in here.