Heaven Bound - Jeremy To'omata
Christian MC Jeremy To'omata with his latest track "Heaven bound"
Jeremy Toomata started his rapping career in the late 80s and won the battle of bands & other competitions with his school band which led to him becoming "Double J and Twice the T" with his school mate Jerry Brown.
During his 20s he toured and performed under the name DJ Payback in a duo hip hop crew with Radio Backstab (Herman Loto aka Ermehn) in the 94 PROUD TOUR.
From there he teamed up with Dee Letoa and DJ Punisher (Chris Halavaka) to form the group OVERDOSE.
Jeremy became a christian in 2002 when His mate Dee Letoa took him to a rave (he thought) and realised as he stepped through the doors it was a church service. That night He gave His heart to Christ and has been going strong since then.
He currently lives in Brisbane and works full-time as a disability support worker and in his spare time writes and produces tracks with and for the Lord.